HA Infomation



  • Solution to NF´s dead

    02. 12. 2014 05:44

Recommend : 1


This game is almost gone. What SDE needs to do is bring ppl back, and not with tiny events. I think they could use that time to develope this that im going to recommend above.

Most of players are leaving the game because getting bored or CRASHING all the time.

But what i think that SDE should really do is to follow other game ideas. When you are killed you DONT HAVE TO WAIT TO THE ROUND END to play with another vehicle (in NFs case, ship). You could return to your shipyard and play with another ship while others are finishing their battles. This will make the game really fun, because you are playing all the time. Not like 5-10min and then waiting to the round ends. And if YOU CRASH you wont loose any exp or creds, because the battle will keep running on the ship you where playing.

Thank you. 

*Edit: Removed other game names - Ny* 


  • Re : Solution to NF´s dead

    02. 12. 2014 12:29


Im trying to help. Dont edit the other games names! if you need to follow an example how are you going to do it!! if you cant know who is the one that you should look at

Im trying to aboid the sinking of this game 

  • Re : Solution to NF´s dead

    02. 12. 2014 16:34


The people that run this game is the biggest reason of all why it won't get fixed. Although some simple tweaks would fix this game, those tweaks would remove much control of the game from certain people in charge. Since they are not willing to relinquish control, the game stays broken.
You are very correct in pointing out another reason why people leave. The unexpected game client closures (Crashing) and certain other elements like desyncing tend to steer people away from an otherwise great game. I would spend money here if the game was stable but my first game today terminated about what I would suspect at a 1/2 way point or 2/3rds finished. The sudden client closure caused me to take a several hour break from NavyField today, which I probably needed to do anyway.
I suspect the unexpected game client closures are one of the most serious gamekillers to affect this game. One would expect simple HAN to be fairly easy to program from a Korean standpoint, but maybe not. Taiwan has much better programmers it seems.