HA Infomation



  • Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 01:45

I've reached the point to choose a CA but I don't know which one I should choose: Admiral Hipper / Deutshland?
Give me some tips and give me your opinion please. Thanks =)


  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 02:20

Dland and ppro I, is a pocket bb (small bb), they out range and out damage admiral hipper/PE but you'll need a better gunners to compensate with the guns, at level gunner you'll be surprise of your spread and with the map that is use in blitz (hobbit map) its really hard to play with your advantage (range), but if played correctly, you could be a good match against bb1, and it has a good t slot for aaing compare to hipper/PE


hipper and PE, its easier to use, just mount 2nd set of 8"L and LHE, and you'll outrange every CAs except PCAs, its easier to use compare to Dland, just don't mount torps and use 5.9" and rush and not AW it, same as Dland .2 belt and bulge until lose 1 knt - 1 to bulge to gain the lose knt...

so i would like to recommend to go hipper line if you got unboosted ve gunner, if you got ebve or bve gunner try going dland... I enjoy dland when my ve gunners reached 56 or 57 :D

but i prefer to go both lines ;)

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 02:27

Thanks for those tips but what does ebve/bve stand? My gunners are normal and are about lvl 45ish. Or do you suggest that I wait to get Dland? =D

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 02:38

Originally Posted by Aerostorm

what does ebve/bve stand?

ebve means elite, boosted, 100 veterans, rest experts (i.e. no rookies)
Elite sailors cannot be rolled. They have to be purchased through the NF store. And boosted means the premium sailor boost, that can also be bought in the NF store.

Personally I like the Dland more than the Hipper. But as the CA is only a temporary stage in your grind for higher tier ships you should take a look at the following ships. If I'm not mistaken there is a guide discussing this topic in this section. Maybe it is in the old data though.

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 03:03

Ok, yeah I guess I'll take the Adimral Hipper. Thanks you two for the tips and help. I apreciate it =)

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 09:22

Originally Posted by OttoReinhold

as the CA is only a temporary stage in your grind for higher tier ships

I can't argee with you more.
All ca line is just a short stage..
We should look forward to the higher tier ships and the position in gbii (like AA/ASW/BB/CV)
You hv selected hipper, right?.....I would suggest u to make a new bo for PS line and your original bo for cv line.

If u're new player in this game, u should get a good bb first. Then, u can get cv crews easier.

The Hipper line = CV / BSM line
The only cv line.....
BSM-----good range/ good damage/ historical ship but 1 less support slot than O proII

The DLand line = PS&OproII line
PS--------P pro: the best AA platfrom/ fire power before PCA appeared
O proII---Fast BB(25/42) it can be armored or SpeedWhore (26/44 sth )

For gaining experts and long grinding, PS line would be better.
P proI for grinding cv crews/ gaining expert.
O proII for long grinding to H39 (1 more support slot then BSM)

You may find some problem with dland at lvl especially in blitz.....(long reloading gun)
I recommend u to stick with M pro with 5.9"tri/ 6.75"dual/ 8"D dual until u can't go to blitz anymore....
This is time to learn how to AA and go to GBII. You can drive the p pro(PS=CA) like a bb1 with good AA.
( No need to remodel to P ProII. It is becoz P ProII=BB.
You cannot join the rooms with 20bbs refer to GBII BB limit
It would decrease your chance to join GBII )
when u got the O pro, u might enjoy the speed and range with low damage...KM style

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 17:01

I loved shcarnhorst and gneise...i don't know how to spell it. It felt much better than opro.

However, overwhelmingly, a lot of people say that opro2 is superior to bismarck.

Thus the difficult choice is yours:

1. Good CA, good BB1-2, poor BB3. (relative to oproject II)
2. Incredibly annoying CA1, ok CA2, ok BB1, poor BB2, good BB3.

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 06. 2011 23:01

Originally Posted by Chiddler

poor BB2

sorry, but it cannot be allowed for the O-Project 1 to be called a "poor" BB2 :P (relatively i'd definately say it's better than gnei since it's slimmer, and fits the same guns).

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 07. 2011 19:41

both KM BB lines are awesome in their own right.

However, I'd suggest you take the hipper line first, as the Dland line requires better crew at BB2-3 level, and also, I do not suggest the Dland to anyone new to the game.

It needs a BVE crew, pretty much, but it also mainly need someone who knows how to play BB.

You can't go charging all gun blazing with a Dland.

With an AH either, when you think about it, but its still more forgiving than a Dland.

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 19. 2011 08:59

Having leveled both lines, I think the Deutchland was more of a challenge but more rewarding. The key with the Deutch (even in blitz) is AA. The ability to shoot down the scouts and take out the crappy blitz DBs and TBs is key to survival and will make you better in GBs. Too bad AA stats (number of planes shot down) aren't tracked.... I'd be easily over 500K planes by now (lol). It is also a great way to build experts. Spread on the first series of Deutch guns is horrible so it can be tough to get the salvos to hit (but they are deadly in blitz when they do). Using F-4 you can set to single salvo mode which can be helpful to range (since you have a ridiculous load time). The second series of guns are much better. Definitely play with Heavy HE in blitz, and switch to LHE in GB. If you play a support role to a L2 or L1 you can rack up good AA kills and get a few hits in on CLs and CAs.

Those were the fun days (unlike leveling from an H-39 to H-44..... snore)

  • Re : Which CA?

    08. 19. 2011 09:00

Having leveled both lines, I think the Deutchland was more of a challenge but more rewarding. The key with the Deutch (even in blitz) is AA. The ability to shoot down the scouts and take out the crappy blitz DBs and TBs is key to survival and will make you better in GBs. Too bad AA stats (number of planes shot down) aren't tracked.... I'd be easily over 500K planes by now (lol). It is also a great way to build experts. Spread on the first series of Deutch guns is horrible so it can be tough to get the salvos to hit (but they are deadly in blitz when they do). Using F-4 you can set to single salvo mode which can be helpful to range (since you have a ridiculous load time). The second series of guns are much better. Definitely play with Heavy HE in blitz, and switch to LHE in GB. If you play a support role to a L2 or L1 you can rack up good AA kills and get a few hits in on CLs and CAs.

Those were the fun days (unlike leveling from an H-39 to H-44..... snore)

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