HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Auto-update failed and crashed during game launched

    08. 19. 2020 14:13

If you encounter auto-update failed or crashed when game launched, please try to disable any anti-virus and firewall to see problem still exist.
If no problem after disable anti-virus and firewwall, please add our game folder to "white list" or "exception list" into your anti-virus and firewall setting.
If no help in adding exception list to anit-virus and firewall, please try to use steam version

Navyfield Management Team


  • Re : Auto-update failed and crashed during game launched

    08. 20. 2020 07:35


Hi guys

If you have troubles downloading or running lastest Patch (19th August 2020) when you click on "Game Launcher" from your PC's desktop, it is due to an error in the Chinese Launcher (

Now, to overcome this trouble, you just have to access "Fleet Mission" folder on your Local Disk (C:) and click on "FleetMissionLauncherUS" or "FleetMissionLauncherUS".




Hola muchachos

Si tienes problemas descargando o ejecutando el último Parche (19 agosto 2020) cuando ingresas por el "Lanzador del Juego" en el escritorio de tu PC, esto se debe a un error en el lanzador chino (

Ahora, para superar este problema, solo tienen que acceder a la carpeta "Fleet Mission" en tu Disco Local (C:) e ingresar al "FleetMissionLauncherUS" o al "FleetMissionLauncherUS".



  • Re : Auto-update failed and crashed during game launched

    08. 22. 2020 17:46


This is horrible, I have tried a thousand ways from steam and manually and nothing, a game with 2D graphics presenting terrible problems for the community, I lose premium days like many people who have not yet been able to enter, it seems to me the last straw that they own Navyfield do not generate only a link for the game with a decent update, you gentlemen leave a lot to be desired as you control this beautiful game that you have only destroyed.