HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Starting Out - Crew

    09. 14. 2011 20:11

Recommend : 1

I'm having trouble finding a guide or info on what crew stats you should try and roll when you first start out.  I remember reading a guide somewhere about a year ago but can't find it.  What's the highest potential you can roll and what gunners should look for, ect.


  • Re : Starting Out - Crew

    09. 14. 2011 20:38


If you mention which nation and ship line you want to go (e.g. SS/CV/BB), people can give you more specific advice.

  • Re : Starting Out - Crew

    09. 14. 2011 22:01

Ah yes perfect. More specifically I'm thinking Royal Navy BB. I'm wonder what is a good value for pot/acc/rel to roll?
Thanks alot.

  • Re : Starting Out - Crew

    09. 14. 2011 22:10

Originally Posted by diomedesbc

What's the highest potential you can roll
and what gunners should look for, ect.

highest potential you can ROLL is .... 15 for just the pot stat ... and 12 for all the rest of the stats ...
you can BUY elites which go one better and gives you a 13+ base stat for that elite sailor type ..

rolled gunners should ideally be 12/11 for acc .. and/or ... 11/12 for rld ...
11/11 is considered 'standard' .. and generally 12/10 or 10/12 are also considered 'servicable'

generally speaking :
14pot's and 11's are 'acceptable'..... 15pot's and 12's are 'plums' .... some don't mind 13pot's and 10's if BVE'd

note : nations get a 2+ bonus to certain stats based on their nation 'talent' when you first class them

  • Re : Starting Out - Crew

    09. 14. 2011 23:15

Potential doesnt need to be outstanding other than for planesman, which are exclusively used on SS.

For a BO, I'd settle for a 14 pot/11 rep/11 res.

As far as RN goes, get gunners that have a good reload stats, ideally 10/12, 11/12 if you can, or elite reload (11/13).

Reason is after the heavy gunner classing, they get a huge nerf to reload (since you normally class as Acc gunners then), so whatever little ability you can get, you want it.

For the rest, I,d suggest going to the nation specific subforum about the crew suggestion. People there will be able to explain to you the various possible setup there is, and their pros and cons.