KGV Setup??????
09. 27. 2011 08:49
Hello i have searched many topics about the kgv but dont get an exact answer. i want to know what guns should i use. by the time i reach kgv i think im going to have level 84 gunners. how much armor should i use? and whats the speed with that armor setup? and should i use lhe or hhe? thnx solid_ghost
Re : KGV Setup??????
09. 27. 2011 10:18
The ship is meant to be used with the quad 14" Mk III N guns in the outer turrets and the dual 14" Mk II N gun in the middle turret. With these guns, it has fearsome firepower but relatively little range.
Popular alternatives are to leave the middle smaller R mount empty to squeeze a bit more speed or armor out of the ship, or using the dual 15" Mk III guns from the QE on all R mounts instead, which allows even more armor.
This isn't a good armor ship unless you feel like running with just two dual 15" turrets. 0.2 belt, some bulkhead, and as much bulge as you can without slowing down, and make the best use of your speed to work those quad 14's into range. You get a lot more options when you can remodel to PoW, so be patient and enjoy the brutal blockshot of the 14's.
Re : KGV Setup??????
09. 27. 2011 10:21
If you armour aim for the maximum of deck and if that ammount of deck will mean anything. Don't mix deck, belt and bulge. You will just fail.
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 06:22
im using KGV too now but why i dont get quad 14"?is it because i buy new gunners from trade system and store my original (basic) gunners so its kinda error or something?however, my gunner lvl is 72 now actually... 1 more question... what i supposed to do in GB with KGV armed 15" mark III N?im lose in range compare with BB 4 above :(
thanks before :)
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 06:53
Originally Posted by alvetz
im using KGV too now but why i dont get quad 14"?is it because i buy new gunners from trade system and store my original (basic) gunners so its kinda error or something?however, my gunner lvl is 72 now actually... 1 more question... what i supposed to do in GB with KGV armed 15" mark III N?im lose in range compare with BB 4 above :(
thanks before :)
The level for the 14" Quads is 75. Three more levels for those gunners. I have no definite answer for the 15" Mk III armed KGV, but I suppose you should use it just like you use a Repulse: (it's basically the same six barreled setup) Rush, shoot, fall back; rinse and repeat. And you actually gain range over the 14"s.
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 08:08
Originally Posted by nurelmusafir
The level for the 14" Quads is 75. Three more levels for those gunners.
I have no definite answer for the 15" Mk III armed KGV, but I suppose you should use it just like you use a Repulse: (it's basically the same six barreled setup) Rush, shoot, fall back; rinse and repeat. And you actually gain range over the 14"s.
i see, thanks for your advice mate :) " And you actually gain range over the 14"s " sorry but i dont too understand this one. is this means quad 14" range is shorter than dual 15" III N?
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 13:37
Yes. Quad 14" has very short range, but is very accurate.
The key to using KGV is speed. Make sure you have at least 5 good engineers on it. Don't bother using armour, it will slow you down and make you even easier to sink. Wait until the enemy is blind or distracted, run in at full speed, fire off a block shot and run for your life.
Some people use armour on KGV, but IMO it's not worth it until you remodel to the PoW. But speed whored PoW is still better than armoured.
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 20:00
Just use on the front 14"quad and 14"dual for the smaller slot, and for armor go the most deck you can fit/afford. No bulge,belt. This way you can get 150k+ attack easy if you play smart.
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 25. 2011 23:15
Originally Posted by quietcos
Yes. Quad 14" has very short range, but is very accurate.
The key to using KGV is speed. Make sure you have at least 5 good engineers on it. Don't bother using armour, it will slow you down and make you even easier to sink. Wait until the enemy is blind or distracted, run in at full speed, fire off a block shot and run for your life.
Some people use armour on KGV, but IMO it's not worth it until you remodel to the PoW. But speed whored PoW is still better than armoured.
thanks for your info mate :) @bloodsky is it not good to using the rear slot?
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 26. 2011 00:40
Originally Posted by alvetz
@bloodsky is it not good to using the rear slot?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that. No, don't put anything on the rear (put HH if you like, that way your second gunner can be used). The reason is the quad guns are very heavy, and speed is important to make up for the range disadvantage.
Re : KGV Setup??????
10. 27. 2011 10:04
Originally Posted by bloodsky
Just use on the front 14"quad and 14"dual for the smaller slot, and for armor go the most deck you can fit/afford. No bulge,belt. This way you can get 150k+ attack easy if you play smart.
And if nobody with better range shoots at you, but otherwise yeah. =P