HA Infomation



  • Aim Lines Length based on equiped cannon

    10. 10. 2011 16:32

Recommend : 57


I noticed there isn't recomendation about this... well At least I didn't find it using the search function.

Well my idea is : "Why aren't the Ship Aiming lines automatically cut based on cannon range?"

This doesn't requiere any further explanation I guess.. And would be wonderfull to be include in game.

* You can't adjust your guidelines during a HA soo you have to use BB6 guideline lengh with BB5,4,3,2 and other ships...

* When using an engineer for example as BO in a PCA your guidelines go out of the map easily :/

Please leave your comments and support it.




He notado que esto no ha sido recomendado. Al menos no lo he encontrado.

Bueno mi idea es la siguiente: "Porque las líneas guia para apuntar se ajustan automaticamente segun el rango del cañon equipado?"

Estoy seguro que esto no requiere de mayor explicación.

Esto afecta mayormente durante un asalto a puerto, el tener calibrado el BO para el BB6 y si quieres usar BB5,4,3,2 te quedan las lineas extensas.

Tambien cuando usas un Ingeniero de BO en los Buques premmy, obtienes lineas de BB9 



  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 19:02

this would be a very useful tool for all players. also solve the problem of dealing with the issue of calibrating each ship which wastes time xD!

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 19:11

great idea....

100% recommended...

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 20:28

You lazy?

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 21:04

excellent idea


  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 21:28

Make it an option, rather than an automatic fix.

I do know some people who like adjusting them to higher ranged lenght to get the kaiser range for exemple.

They use them to know exactly when the opponnent gets in range. I personnaly do not like the method, since its often valid for only one class of ship, but they still should have the right to play it as they see fit.

Recc'ed. Its a bother when you change ship with a same BO to spend 30 minutes readjusting your lines on non-120 BO (that leveled since the last time you used the ship)

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 10. 2011 22:25

Originally Posted by aingeal

Make it an option, rather than an automatic fix.

I do know some people who like adjusting them to higher ranged lenght to get the kaiser range for exemple.

They use them to know exactly when the opponnent gets in range. I personnaly do not like the method, since its often valid for only one class of ship, but they still should have the right to play it as they see fit.

Recc'ed. Its a bother when you change ship with a same BO to spend 30 minutes readjusting your lines on non-120 BO (that leveled since the last time you used the ship)

This, Recc'd

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 11. 2011 07:21


  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 11. 2011 07:36

I agree rec

  • Re : [Suggestion] Auto Aim Lines Length

    10. 11. 2011 12:26

phew i tought this was something about showing about where the shells hit at manual aiming ....


  • Re : Auto Aim Lines Length based on equiped cannon

    10. 12. 2011 10:25

also helps if you are using secondary guns. My AA lines nearly touch enemy CV with my engie BO on PCA

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