HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • No more crew deaths with aa?

    10. 31. 2011 08:45


I have been hearing their are no more crew deaths when your plane is aa'ed. Is this true, because I'm starting a new km aa crew down the km bb line. Please help, thnx.


  • Re : No more crew deaths with aa?

    10. 31. 2011 09:12

No vet death.
Medics are useless now.
People can be as careless with there planes as they want with no consequences.

  • Re : No more crew deaths with aa?

    10. 31. 2011 11:23

Patch ver. 1.291
Date: July 13, 2010

4. Veterans on pilot class sailors will not die anymore in aircraft crashes either it was
shot down by AA guns, AAW or fighters or out of fuel issues.

Why the question, if you're going BB line?

  • Re : No more crew deaths with aa?

    10. 31. 2011 11:39

Originally Posted by Moray

Patch ver. 1.291
Date: July 13, 2010

4. Veterans on pilot class sailors will not die anymore in aircraft crashes either it was
shot down by AA guns, AAW or fighters or out of fuel issues.

Why the question, if you're going BB line?

I am mainly focusing on km aa. I will be going down the bb line so that at bb4 level I will buy a bb crew to use.
Thnx you both ^^^ for your help.