HA Infomation



  • Missions

    11. 12. 2011 15:23

Recommend : 12


No one is playing any mission. I suggest to increase some rewards.


  • Re : Missions

    11. 12. 2011 20:09

The missions is to test you and youre friends of like 88% of all the missions not to get any big reward from them.

  • Re : Missions

    11. 12. 2011 21:05

There used to be reward for missions, but some people abused it.

Yet another example of the greedy few ruining it for the many.

  • Re : Missions

    11. 13. 2011 01:54

yeah , reward will good , and they must increase the exp or credit/points

  • Re : Missions

    11. 13. 2011 13:45

Also NF is really made to level PvP, not PvE.

Missions are there for lolz, most are just frustrating and I personnaly don't bother with them.

In order to top the xp/reward of a 10 minute game, you'd need 100-200k for your mission. So buff the values a bit, but overall its not worth it, especially since you no longer gain experts in them.

  • Re : Missions

    11. 19. 2011 12:07

Originally Posted by Tomm96

The missions is to test you and youre friends of like 88% of all the missions not to get any big reward from them.

that the reason we should have rewards

to begin with, those small missions like destroy the cl fleet mission give extra xp points and the bigger missions like historical mission 1 you give bigger prize

it would be more fun and give a reason to play the mission instead of it just being a test i already have enough test to do
a purpose of a game is to have fun

The missions to me is something to do instead of battling in Gb or Bliz

  • Re : Missions

    11. 19. 2011 14:36

I for one would love some interesting PvE action and having better rewards would make it easier to find others who are willing to jump in.

  • Re : Missions

    11. 24. 2011 08:27

Originally Posted by demonskier

I for one would love some interesting PvE action and having better rewards would make it easier to find others who are willing to jump in.

instead of giving reward give 3 times the ex points if they win

something like that you know

  • Re : Missions

    12. 16. 2011 17:32

Please NF faculty do something so more users are more interested in playing mission

it is hard to get members to play a mission

i beg of you

  • Re : Missions

    03. 05. 2012 16:26

I think for the ship you are intended to use, it might give you a part of a whole towards something. For example, sink Graf Spee, a BB's kind of mission, if you destroy all 3 targets (Graf Spee, and later on Prinz Eugen and Bismarck) you get 1 olive?

Or maybe something else, like if you survived the whole mission and did at least ____ damage you get a bonus.

Same for the sink IJN Fleet mission and the Pearl Harbor mission.

And other missions, maybe you would get a certain amount of XP for beating the missions and staying alive, and a bonus? And for doing a mission a certain amount of times, we could have a "mastery level" and whenever you ascend a mastery level, you get a major reward? Reward for getting to the max mastery level, 3-day premium?

  • Re : Missions

    03. 06. 2012 07:28

Originally Posted by quietcos

There used to be reward for missions, but some people abused it.

Yet another example of the greedy few ruining it for the many.

In order to avoid abuse limit the prizes.
Want olive as prize?. Limit to a few chances in a month, or some percentage of chance to win it.
Want olives as prize? No exp
Want more exp? Complete all objetives, and no Olive as reward.

Shloud not be hard to build a table to limit abuse in this kind of situations.

Some missions are long enough to allow better reward, in exp or olives:
Sink graf spee: If players can sink all enemy ships -> reward
Protect Graf Spee (up Cl can play this one if i´m right)
AA training 1 and 2, Advanced BB are misions that takes maybe 20 minutos or more. Play all that time, and win it must have Interesting prizes.

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