HA Infomation



  • Armour

    11. 26. 2011 07:34

Recommend : 3

I have a simple suggestion about changing the way armour works to make it playable. Basically, the way people are advised to play it seems armour is not a realistic choice for most nations, because it slows you down and is useless if it's not a complete bounce.

I propose (and yes this is "unrealistic" but I hear enough people saying NF =/= RL) that armour should provide a % reduction to damage taken based on thickness.

It can be a simple linear relationship, with a multiplier for each nation to reflect the armour "pecking order" we already have.

So for example, lets hypothetically assume 16" of armour will on average bounce a 16" shell (note this is just for demonstration, obviously this isnt how it works ATM)

THEN, based on multipliers:

15" of UK armour will bounce a 16" shell, but it takes 17" of IJN armour to bounce that same shell.

BUT, on top of this, linearly scaled reduction:

7.5" UK armour will reduce the damage from a 16" shell 50%, and therefore 8.5" IJN armour will do the same. etc. etc.

Obviously this needs to be balanced based on available displacement and average gun sizes of ships of various tiers.

I think this way it would be better because people can choose to armour a little or a lot, mix belt and deck etc. to get the effect they want, or choose speed over armour (as they are basically forced to do under the current system unless they play UK).


  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 08:00

i agree ,i hereby commence this operation with little or no power at all.....


  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 08:11

It would be interesting down the line, although I would prefer an exponential relationship rather than a linear one.

The issue is, it would completely change the balance of all the ships, and instead of balancing for a speed whore setup, you need to balance for far more viable setups. It would be a massive project and should only be done after far more things are done.

  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 08:12

Hmm. What Howie said(?) =P

The trolls must still be sleeping, or you would have several "new ones" right now ^^

And since LJ weighed in while I was typing, I agree with his sober and reasonable assessment. Truly a big job, but not without its rewards in playability and game depth. I'm closing in on my BB6, so soon my opinion will be valid ^^

  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 08:20

I also agree with LJ, it would be a massive project. Also, yes perhaps exponential is better or you might get RN CLs that can stand toe to toe with a BB.

But just think of all the "is 1 knot better than 5% extra protection?" arguments. It would make for some interesting choices rather than clear cut "best setups".

  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 08:26

Originally Posted by Vlad381

I also agree with LJ, it would be a massive project. Also, yes perhaps exponential is better or you might get RN CLs that can stand toe to toe with a BB.

But just think of all the "is 1 knot better than 5% extra protection?" arguments. It would make for some interesting choices rather than clear cut "best setups".

It would be better, I agree, but it is something that should be left until the majority of BB balance is done (Some glaring errors) and after Italy is out.

  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 09:08

I think this is a great idea too. I think this should actually be done after the fighter and sub projects, but before italy. The reason I think this should come before new game content is:

1) when they do get around to doing italy, they can at least try to balance the ships with this change, thus making it a bit easier for both projects

2) it would actually change the way people play most ships now; thus it would be make the game new for all the ships already in your harbor, and maybe spark a little bit of play in the game and keep the servers moving along.

  • Re : Armour

    11. 26. 2011 09:35

well, if there's support for the idea then it's up to people like LJ who have more influence due to being veteran players and part of the testing community, to bear it in mind for when the time is right.