HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 13:34

So I was in battle today and some CV crossed another BB and didn't give any warning about crossing. So 
the BB fired and next thing you know a friendly fire happened. And then the CV gives excuses about "how
it's at the start of the battle" and "who 'x's at the begginning of the battle.

To make it clear (and yes i've asked a mod), JUST SO LONG AS YOU ARE CROSSING ANOTHER SHIP, BE SURE
TO STATE THE INTENTIONS. Man they should make this a 'law' lol. Person who didn't 'x' and crossed another ship
is their fault if they get fired upon.

If you think otherwise feel free to comment below. 


  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 13:43

Yup, this happens and it sux. Especially when you've 150K+ attack. I think MOST tk's happen un-intentionally, so you just gotta live with it and not retaliate. The only thing that should be a law, is that the offender should offer an apology. Really not much you can do.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 14:01

'X' is not a magic word that renders you bulletproof .. it all depends on the BB 'SEEING' you say 'X'
all too many of them can't be bothered to pay attention to their own ship surroundings
its a safe bet that many of them also don't pay attention to the chat bar either

the simplest solution is ... DON'T CROSS BB's during fire fights
or cross immediately after he fires - during the reload down time

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 14:03

Intentions do not have any credibility.

I have seen ships shoot even when the crosser "x" because they are not paying attention, and I have seen jerk players shoot anyway because their 120 crew have nothing to lose. I have seen a crosser "x" and also shoot.

Saying "x" does not free you from the responsibility to stay clear nor does it strip you of your fault. There should be no law to protect the guilty. "Even though I drove my car into you, it was your fault because I signaled."

It is a responsibility for both players to prevent a tk during crossing. But it happens. It may not be the best solution or the most justified but each situation is different and one set of rule cannot cover all of them, especially if all you lose is about 10 minutes and 1 game's worth of exp.

If it happens repeatedly by the same person then reporta.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 14:14

Well, crossing should be avoided if you can. Smaller ships should give way to BBs unless they are badly hit and can only crawl back from the line to repair. If I cross someone in a smaller ship and I say xxxx, it is still my fault.

That said, it would be nice to have something flashing at the top of the screen when yu are being crossed, similar to the "TORPEDOES SPOTTED" sign but saying something like "YOU ARE BEING CROSSED"

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 14:19

I was there and in this case I would blame the crosser. If you OH to cross at the very beginning of the battle you are pretty much asking to be TK'd.

One has to take into account that there is a delay between the pressing of the spacebar and the actual shooting.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 14:54

Originally Posted by Nelon

I was there and in this case I would blame the crosser. If you OH to cross at the very beginning of the battle you are pretty much asking to be TK'd.

One has to take into account that there is a delay between the pressing of the spacebar and the actual shooting.

I don't agree with you. If you do a test fire at spawn, the only thing you have to worry about is ... nothing. You don't have to watch for enemy ships/planes or manage your scout, so the least you can do is press the "g" key before firing.

In the other hand, in the line battle, it's the fault of the crosser, even if somtimes you can't do much about it.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 15:13

Whaaaaaaaaat? I don't say I'm crossing because I'm Sindher. King of the High Seas.

Recovered - Monarch

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 15:23

We could debate about this forever. The best way to avoid TKing someone is to pay attention to your surroundings. If you don't and you accidentally TK a noob who crosses you their isn't much you can do. I mean let's face it how often does this happen? If your smart not that often, it's a rare occurrence that can be avoided.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 16:23

Make it where if you cross, then you get damaged.

  • Re : About Crossing other ships

    12. 14. 2011 16:24

This Train Hurts Bro!

I even spam that when morons cross me.

You have been warned, I am not letting myself get rushed cause you decided to cross during a horrible moment, I will fire and hold the line, I will attempt to only fire guns that aren't being crossed, but sometimes I hit the wrong key.

Crossing is a no no, avoid it whenever possible and make sure you say crossing BEFORE you do so, not when your half way across the guy already.... There is a 1-2 second delay between Space bar and the guns actually firing.

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