HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 01. 2012 22:22

What about the extra coins 1 up to 49?
is there another option to exchange this?
anything prem items or olive....


  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 01:29

I made a suggestiong about this in the Suggestions forums.

Yes, please can we have an option to spend random spare coins on something useful?

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 01:34

It might be a good idea or a bad one, but you can technically chose 3 ships using the full 180/185coins, so what's the point of giving us more freebies for the free coins?

Maybe they have an extra prize for those who got the full 180coins or maybe not. Just because you never chose to use the 185 coins on 3 ships doesn't mean NF has to reimburse us with the extra coins we have.

50coins for a PCL, 55 for a PCA then 80 for an EBB3 = 185coins

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 07:03

Originally Posted by maykel

It might be a good idea or a bad one, but you can technically chose 3 ships using the full 180/185coins, so what's the point of giving us more freebies for the free coins?

Maybe they have an extra prize for those who got the full 180coins or maybe not. Just because you never chose to use the 185 coins on 3 ships doesn't mean NF has to reimburse us with the extra coins we have.

50coins for a PCL, 55 for a PCA then 80 for an EBB3 = 185coins

think for a sec. Most of the players who have the 185 coins don't want pcl or pca they allready have it.
so thats useless... and stuff for the remaining coins could be like prem sub or something from the item drops.
and the item they gave for the ones with all the coins was the bo nation reset. so don't hope for anything els.

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 07:35

Originally Posted by powerchief

think for a sec. Most of the players who have the 185 coins don't want pcl or pca they allready have it.
so thats useless... and stuff for the remaining coins could be like prem sub or something from the item drops.
and the item they gave for the ones with all the coins was the bo nation reset. so don't hope for anything els.

The fact is this year's coin event allowed us to get 3 ships(doesn't matter if you already have it or no), compared to last year when we were only allowed to get 1 or 2 (if i remember it right, or was that the previous year, first time they gave the turtle ship as a prize). And like last year, SDE never reimbursed the extra coins we have even with threads like this and I don't think they will now (but maybe the have a prize for those who got 185 coins).

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 08:35

I know they nerver do. and there will be no other prize for the 185 coins they never had a special prize.
and event befor you also were able to get more then one ship when you pic pcl and pca.

i don't say there must be something for the rest of the coins i just say it would be nice. even if it were small gifts.
we also putted time and effort in it.

i got my prizes and im happy with it

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 09:47

They should have never done any event to begin with......

People complain and can't content themself with free event.

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 10:46

If there is nothing for getting all the coins, I will likely have 35 left over.

I would love the ability to gift those to other people for say, 1 week after the event.

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 12:20

They will convert into extra coins you could have gotten so you didn't have to play every single day getting 5 coins to get your prizes.

Oh wait...

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 17:53

Originally Posted by firezmissles

They will convert into extra coins you could have gotten so you didn't have to play every single day getting 5 coins to get your prizes.

Oh wait...


NO NO you got it wrong they will be melted down and be used as shell's for the "monster ship"

  • Re : What will happen to Extra Coins?

    01. 02. 2012 18:03

Originally Posted by powerchief

I know they nerver do.

See, you already know that they don't, so what's the point of asking about it again (and again next year, well if we are still alive by then or nf)? But in case they decided to give some this time, then my bad.

Originally Posted by ljsevern

If there is nothing for getting all the coins, I will likely have 35 left over.

I would love the ability to gift those to other people for say, 1 week after the event.

I'd rather have this option, so I can gift my coins to those who need a few than getting reimbursed for my extras. (but those who have 185 coins already should be excluded)