HA Infomation



  • X's and 0's

    01. 11. 2012 19:32

Recommend : 0

I just had a eureka moment.  So crossing sucks especially when you shoot someone accidentally and loose your exp.  It happens to me like every fifth game.  Now the problem with the current system of saying x when you cross is no one pays attention to them.  I have never held my fire because someone said x. Its because people say it all the time and your too focused.  Also, saying x means you don't know who is crossing who or when it is clear.  This is where it dawned on me.  We need an 0.

So its really simple!  You say x when your crossing....and o when your clear.  Put it to team chat to narrow things down.  So that way when you see an x you know not to fire if your in a crowded area, and when they say o or 0 you can open up.  Saying x just doesn't give enough information. We need to say o when crossing is complete. 

The more people start using it in game the quicker it will catch on, just like saying x did. 


  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 11. 2012 19:59

Saying X caught on because it looks like a cross and its faster than typing out the word. Get O to catch on, and caught on it shall be. I doubt this thread will get it to do much though.

  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 11. 2012 22:47

if all I see is x on the left chatter, I would care less.

If I see you type x above your ship, I would hold fire.

If I see you type x above your ship, I would also see your ship on top of mine regardless.

Don't understand why people insist on typing x in the first place.

  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 12. 2012 02:52

This is a great idea. I'm going to make a bind saying "o" - that way I can spam my macro and when you stop seeing the "o"s you will know not to shoot.

  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 17. 2012 15:18

why don't we just sort it by doing what every one team damage.... simple and no one crys like a .....

  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 17. 2012 16:15

Originally Posted by x_rated

why don't we just sort it by doing what every one team damage.... simple and no one crys like a .....

Removes any sort of challenge to the game. If you want a more detailed answer, search "tk" in suggestions.

Also not everyone wants it. Rather very few people want it.

  • Re : X's and 0's

    01. 17. 2012 18:59

So are you telling me that you want to give me hugs and kisses or are you telling us you are a John Madden fan? lol