HA Infomation



  • An Actual Practice Area

    01. 31. 2012 10:13

Recommend : 0

I am kind of new to this game, i started out playing an US sub, but it seems that ASW in this game is a little unforgiving to the point where playing a submarine is just not fun. I am now starting to play a KM ship i want to play up to a BB, but find it difficult to shoot the guns in manual,
It seems that in order for me to "practice" i have very limited options. I either head over near the harbors and start a game with an AI, but see i am new i want to practice shooting at something before dealing with something shooting at me, i understand that Blitz's are supposed to help, but i either get torped within the first 10 seconds or someone in their just completely pwns me. I just want to learn, i dont care about xp or anything.
I suggest making something along the lines of a no time limit room with both moving and non-moving ships of various speeds and sizes that dont shoot where i can practice shooting these guns. That way i dont have to deal with getting sunk every ten seconds into a match just to learn a mechanic of the game


  • Re : An Actual Practice Area

    01. 31. 2012 15:32

Have you tried the test mission in one of the rooms by the harbors? It isn't perfect, but it lets you practice aiming, and unless you're in a frigate or something you don't have to worry about the enemies shooting you.

  • Re : An Actual Practice Area

    01. 31. 2012 18:30

Play the "Test mission (Sink the retired BBs)" in the harbour, this is one of the best ways to train manual aiming. In this mission, the enemy team has 4-5 Battleships, but have been completely stripped of armour and their only guns are the weak 3/4inchers.

They will fire at you, but as long as do not stay in one spot too long you can easily avoid their shots and move to a different position as they are slow and lack range. You can spend a fair bit of time doing this mission thanks to the high health but low damage of the retired BBs.

If your going to learn manual, i'd suggest starting it with a CL and dual/triple six inch guns, it will be more confusing to try and learn it in a DD/FF with smaller caliber guns as they have high fire arcs but low range.