HA Infomation



  • a totally different NavyField

    02. 01. 2012 14:13

Recommend : 0

What if navyfield was based on a points leveling system, that was totally different from what it is now. For example when you play games and rank the more experience you get, and with this exp you can buy upgrades like better accuracy and speed and put the exp towards that. In addition when you play more games you will earn more credits of course but with these credits you can buy new ships and then buy add ons to the ship like better speed, manouvarbility and so on. (of course this will cap and is different and better for each ship) I was just thinking about this.
If anybody has anything else to add or suggest, feel free.


  • Re : a totally different NavyField

    02. 01. 2012 15:51

I see what youre saying but NF and its current system is already well established and a major change like this would not be welcomed by the player base.

Good idea under different circumstances.

  • Re : a totally different NavyField

    02. 01. 2012 16:05

Sounds like ***. In fact that is probably what *** will be.

*edit to remove game name by cambsguy*

*EDIT ^wth are you kidding me? I was just making an example the first censor is WoT and the 2nd is WoB.*