HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 09:55

SO i guess we need to move this post into the open area.
 What makes cv fail ?  XP gain does.    Me personally , I would rather get the  BB xp  then the cv credits.
As a bb player i  usally gain 25 k  xp on a bb3 for a lose and 45 k on a win. As a cv5 player 30k attack and 15k in plane kills i get around 22k for a lose and 34k for a win..
Now in a bb if i hit a bb6 you can double the xp to about 88k for a win and 65 k for a lose. where as in a cv  u give good coverage and get 20k attack on a bb6 u get the same  crappy XP..
So  whats solution for gaining new cv players?
cv1 stinks , cv2 stinks ,cv3 really kind of stinks also. till pilots reach t4's there is really no chance of getting dcent Xp untill you are above 100 on pilots and and Bo.
Unlike  BB's  where all you have to do is hit a larger target to get good xp in a cv you have to continue to grind at a very slow and painful  pace.
Side note,  This xp  gain  is on a prem  account not a gold. I can only imagine the pain it is to play  cv in a gold account.
 weather i get bashed because my team  can see or not and we get a win or a lose is not all on the Cv/s. There  are more crappy bb players then there are CV.  for instance today in a gb south had total air coverage and failed !
this is  a team game and there need to be more of a team effert on both SDE and  Players to make it a better game.
  CV should
A: get 20k xp for each AA boat it sinks. Double  Xp for subs  and triple XP for wins
B:1/3 xp for loses. 
C;Fail for  different  Tier  Planes. How can u make 4 different  Planes  and expect  cv 1-3  to even be comptitive!   there really needs to be a complete  CV overhaul.
BUT 1ST  fix the dam lag. you cant even loa or unload planes  at this point.


  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 09:57

Are you done?

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 10:04

" What makes cv fail ? XP gain does."

Even if you give CV lots of exp for lots of work and little for no work, you will still get the terrible CV players due to lack of tutorials, lack of stopping people put 7/8/9 planes on one pilot and people bombing CL's/CA's and missing.

It is not the exp gain. Sure, reworking the exp system would be nice (such as better exp for scouting, better exp for killing bombers and other planes that are scouting, a better win bonus and no shared exp if you lose, killing a ship when bombing etc etc)

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 10:09

Why do you say this is a team game? Clearly it is not. No one give a **** about the team since there is no reward for playing as a team. Its all about doing as much personal attack as possible and that is exactly why SDE's idea of shared exp rooms is a complete failure.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 10:21

Originally Posted by ljsevern

You will still get the terrible CV players due to lack of tutorials.


  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 11:36

You bring up some good points about the grind, and how hard it is to play a CV1-3. I play both BB and CV, and I have found the CV experienced more enjoyable. Sure it sucks when you are facing another CV that fighter camps you with a 100+ Fighter pilot.

However, you have to find a nice role and fill it in for the team. If you get fighter camped, and your fighters would just be food, just wait them out or steam towards a friendly AA whore who would be happy to shred them fighters up. Now launch your bombers, and igore being called "cv bomber whore noob". You know launching fighters would be a waste.

Now the same issue happens to BB players in the 1-3 range because you are food for the BB4s+ and outranged easily. These BB players have to bid their time on the line, stay out of way of your larger BBs, and shoot anything small that tries to come into your line.

So both grinds are even in my eyes, and I have not noticed such a large experience gap in my CV. The CV is already offers heavy incentives to play because of the massive amount of credits you can earn. Plus the CV difference between CV-1-5 is very minute. For instance going from Independence to Lexington gives you more space and one more plane to launch. While that is an improvement, it is not as massive as going from BB-2-3-4.

The biggest game changers for CVs are leveling your pilots, it is like getting larger turret space on a BB.

You make a point about better game experience, I don't even think playing as a team is the problem. It is the general attitude of the player base, and those of the nicer players standing by saying nothing. You can't go a single game without seeing "noob" thrown around, and no one says anything in return. Sure ignoring these trolls is one solution, but I point out to these players that their attiture is doing nothing to help the NF community.

Since when did this divide between CV and BB players happen? Since when was it such a chore for a BB player to launch their own scouts? This community has really turned sour, and if we all focus on this we can turn things around.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 11:37

Originally Posted by Maistral

Are you done?

Another fine example of where this community has headed since I have been gone for over a year.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 13:00

Originally Posted by AndrusN

Originally Posted by ljsevern

You will still get the terrible CV players due to lack of tutorials.


TNF or senior players could maybe put on some kind of "Learn the basics of CVing/BBing/SSing/AAing". Once a month, different class each weekend.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 13:08

Originally Posted by Lordxorn

Originally Posted by Maistral

Are you done?

Another fine example of where this community has headed since I have been gone for over a year.

+1, it are only certain "persons". This is why I barely find it necesary to respond and feed these trolls... going back to just passive reading and feeling symphaty for certain "person's" their parents. But want to let you know you aren't alone.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 13:45

This doesn't make sense to me. I play USN and I have found it easie/faster/funner to run up the CV line than the BB line. A CV1 with local fighters is much more useful and fun to play than a BB1. With my CV1, would cruise in the battle line with the BB6s and kill scouts and give higher level fighters a hard time -- basically I was an AA ship. I think I played the same way with my CV2. Then when I got to CV3, I would drop the local fighters and provide some site over enemy BBs with my higher level fighters.

Now I am trying to level up a BB, but find myself playing CV because I get tired of waiting for CVs.

There was nothing in my experience that deterred me from playing CV. I play what's fun and what I feel like playing.

  • Re : CV Fail

    02. 19. 2012 13:47

How can you say you're not getting enough experience in your CV? I get around 10K for a loss in my Richelieu, up to 45K. In my CV I average 30K-50K, even with losses. People need to learn from seniors how to play their CVs, and not load 10 planes on one pilots at the beginning.

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