HA Infomation



  • Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 00:57

Recommend : 4


One of the problems I found with Navyfield is that when new players get their first capital ships is that they have only a few levels left to enjoy before they are thrust immediately into Great Battle facing Big battleships (tier 4, 5 and 6) that can instant kill smaller ships in a single salvo, huge swarms on nearly untouchable high level fighters that can easily swat lower tier planes out of the sky. Also the players of these higher tier ships have a tendancy to kill hog not letting the smaller ships to their chance to support their team. As a result most players who just came out blitz feel frustated by their inability to properly play end up quitting this game, with only the most persistant willing to get slaughted unless they get lucky just so they can leach what ever amount of xp they can get at the end of each battle, having to go through painstakingly long grinds to get through graduly more powerful ships until they get to the large battleships that can make a signficant contribution to a great battle and then its rerinse and rewash. We are just not getting enough players continuing after great battle as they are not getting enough time to get use to tranistion out of Blitz and into great battle. And the only room that allows them to play without having to face the big battleships Select room CA/BB just dosent provide enough of the reward XP and Credits that intermidate level players seek as a result this room is not played.

So I propose the creation of a intermediate level Great Battle style room that provides a little bit more hospitable enviroments for the intermidate level players to have more time to prepare to face the big guys. Of course many similar ideas such as GreatBlitz and BB3 had been suggested and then shot down by some Big Capital ship trolls who start flamming and getting those threads closed just so that they wont lose their easy food or that this new room would draw too many people away from the current ingame great battles. So I think the max level limits for this intermediate level great battle room would made so that players can have enough to prepare for Great Battle while still balancing the gameplay of all rooms. Level limits would 78 for Battleships players which is enough time for players to get their tier 3 battleships, 70 for Carriers, and 60 for SS players If they are able to set different limits for different type of ship players but if they cant I think the level limit can be where between 70 and 85


  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 03:41


try the search function already proposed several times.

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 04:05


I think its a great idea. When i first got my cv1 i felt so underpowered. In blitz i was a beast killing 10+ ships each battle than as soon as i went to GB. My planes were getting shotdown, about less than half my TBs were getting to the ships. The only reason why I even continued was because of my bestfriend. We had a little kind of shipline race. I'm farther down because i play more :). Ok so yes i def reccomend this but for now i cant because i alreadu used it. This is the type of people who we need posting stuff in suggestion. Some people just put up random stuff just to benefit themselves.

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 06:07


The point is not to own the Battleroom, the point for this is to let people fight against same tiered Ships. I would suggest that if this is implemented, take Locals out since they would not be needed anymoar.

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 06:22


We hardly have a player base to support Blitzkrieg and GB1 adequately, a new mode is just going to be dumped like Night Battle and GB2.

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 09:06


This has been propsed over and over, and would actually bring many many players back to the game, I know of at least 5 that would probably give NF another shot, but for reasons stated in previous threads this will never happen. Simply put:
The highest lvl players will not give up the easymode foodtrain. Those BB5-6 dont rack up 250k att killing other BB5-6, you know. The current game model is this:
Start a new acct.

Bludgeon your way thru the 'tutorial' inevitably making mistakes that will burn you later on, and take a major headache to sort out.
Slowly increase in power and skill in blitz, til the very end when you are starting to really kick some butt.

Then goto GB to be food for 600-1200 battles, depending on luck. (note i didnt say skill, since that has VERY little to do with it) You can also spend this time AAing or ASW til your eyes bleed.

Finally get YOUR BB5 and start to benefit from the food train yourself. (if you can actually live with wasting that much of your life just to get to the point where you casn play competitively again.

And that's it.

Don't even bother arguing with the trolls who will be along shortly to tear you a new one for even suggesting something so sensible. They have a 'logic' system that goes in a circle and depends mainly upon repeating the same nonfactual statements over and over again, solo or in groups.

You will hear things like :
"It will ruin the game"
"It will make the skill level go down" (??????? Lulz, for real)
"I would quit the game" (Yeah right buddy, with 12k+ games and countless dollars spent, I dont see your azz going ANYWHERE)
"The server doesnt have the player base" (Oh yeah? There isnt room for a new battle during this event at times, and that is on a weekday, this weekend is going to be crazy. Im sure if you made this change and sent an email to every email associated with an inactive account announcing they have finally fixed progression in this game, we would see many people return to NF)
None will actually just say the truth:
"I suffered thru this insane crap, and so should you. Besides, I like having all the easy food to pwn in my BB6" (Though, IMHO, using a BO that needs no xp and cant advance in an xp room and racking up half the Att in the room is stealing that xp from BO that actually need it. )


  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 10:44


There has been a thread about the same thing with like 150 replies. Go read that first

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 14:53


I already know

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 19:44


Originally Posted by joshmon999

"The server doesnt have the player base" (Oh yeah? There isnt room for a new battle during this event at times, and that is on a weekday, this weekend is going to be crazy. Im sure if you made this change and sent an email to every email associated with an inactive account announcing they have finally fixed progression in this game, we would see many people return to NF)

I wonder why OP Convoy, Select mode, Night Battle and GBII are good as dead.

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 13. 2012 19:47


this room is needed for all the resons stated earlier. i have a bb crew that has come to a grinding halt at 70 and a cv crew that has the same problem because you cant get the attack to get enough xp to progress

  • Re : Intermediate level Great Battle Style Room

    03. 15. 2012 15:18


The problem is true but how you say to fix it isnt the right way. This is my problem though im grinding through the nebraska and pennsylvania (WHICH look completly identical!) And there not even possible to sneak a shot or two out with out getting my brains blown out by a nebby.

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