HA Infomation



  • New PCL guns suggestion

    03. 13. 2012 09:25

Recommend : 0


I'm pretty sure that this has been mentioned before but i would like to bring this up again. I would think the PCLs would be better if you made a premium gun for it. Since UK get a gun that deals 2,000+ damage and KM gets a dual barrel gun dealing 600+ damage yet IJN, USN, MN, SN get puny little guns that deal 400 or less damage which is a bit disappointing. This would just make playing PCL a bit more fun. Would you be happy if your day has just been made by a previous battle. Your crusin around you see a tiger PCL crusin towards you then BOOM!!! your dead. thats a bit unfair. At least the lacking nations something to enjoy. I mean most ppl already say dont get the IJN PCL, its horrible. Yet you give the best damaging gun to the nation with the best armor which makes the tiger more like a mini size furious. Hope NF really considers this


  • Re : New PCL guns suggestion

    03. 13. 2012 14:44

PCLs really don't need a buff.
The UK gun you're talking about (single 18") isn't a PCL only gun. In blitz it's ridiculously awful for anything except being funny, and it isn't exactly overpowered in any other rooms.
I don't know what KM guns you're talking about. The KM PCL can use the dual 8", but so can every other nation, and the US PCL can even fit triple 8" Ds.

And a UK 18" single can't oneshot anything without critting. I don't think the Tiger can fit two, and a full salvo from at least the US or MN PCL comes close to the same damage.

I wouldn't mind getting high-level "fun guns" in general, but there's a lot of stuff that's more important right now.