HA Infomation

Technical Support


  • 6 times a charms

    07. 03. 2011 14:48

ok as the title sugests it takes me 6 attempts to actually get navyfield to run, every single tiome i load the game it does a small patch type thing then crashes back to desktop.

ill do this 5-6 times more before the game actually loads up propperly.

now again i know this isnt my computer . infact ive reinstalled the client more times than i care to admit now, fact is the game needs some serious love on the tech front, 
the devs simply are not doing the things they need to be doing and as a result the game itself is taking the brunt of the problems..

its also important for me to note that lag is as bad as its ever been before too. 

there are no fixes for my end this is most definately a problem with the client and the game server and only the devs can fix it.

so please pull your fingers out :) its getting tiresome.  im sick of being booted out the game and having to run the damn thing 5-6 times just to get it to work.


  • Re : 6 times a charms

    07. 03. 2011 14:54

Not everyone is having this problem. I just have increased lag, but there's tons of people on for the event. No extra crashing for me. And try letting it downloading the file, EXIT the launcher, and then open it again.

  • Re : 6 times a charms

    07. 03. 2011 20:12

AMEN to that !!! If other player would speak up instead of just going with the flow of having load issues, lagg & freeze issues maybe the programmers can see that NF has a serious problem !! You can only tell the players it's their computers fault for so long.... PLEASE look into these issues... Thanks :)