HA Infomation



  • costom ships.

    03. 25. 2012 21:06

Recommend : 0


i think there should be a new option added to the game. this option could be vary op so it should only be given to premium users or VARY VARY costly in game. that choice would be up to tnf. 

there should be a way to create your own ship. chose the gun size and everything. there are two ways of doing this.

1: have a set of premade ship bodys. EX: ff body, cl body 1,2,3 bb 1,2,3,4,5,6 and each body would vary in cost and level depending on the type (ff would cost mabey 500k and bb4 mabey 15 mil. as an example.) you then would have a limit on gun space depending on the ship body. (ff mabey 100 total space for guns, bb4 mabey 700-1000 depending on how exclusive this would be) so you could put mabey on a bb4 for exapmle you could put 4 mounts with about 300 space or 2 mounts with  with 600 space. you would then chose how much space for your t slots the same way. each body would have a limit on engine and fcs space, as well as a hp and dp limit pre set to that body. as well as a amout of support slots. you then could chose a paint job from a pre set gallery of them.

2. the player picks an exisitng ship, and only is able to change paint, gun space, and the number of gun mounts, (removeing a mount gives more avaliable space, or adding to the size of the other mounts causes mounts to be removed.

now of course, there would have to be some other limits set on the ships, like aircraft space, ect. and tnf and sde could set these themselfs. this is just a kind of idea starter if you will.

also. players would be able to share there designs with other players if they so chose.

good idea or not?  


  • Re : costom ships.

    03. 25. 2012 21:19


"this option could be vary op so it should only be given to premium users or VARY VARY costly in game"


That probably means it isn't good to implement it.

Some kind of ship design, at least visual changes, would be okay, but not important right now.


Not that I wouldn't want to drive a 65 knot Q class with one POW quad and billions of T slots for pompoms, oh no.

  • Re : costom ships.

    03. 26. 2012 01:06


This has been suggested before and denied simply because of lag. Also it is not easy to just make sprites since each sprite is a dozen or so images.

Now if youre changing the specs of the ships then it would throw off the balance. Especially for something ridiculous as combining the gun space of 5 or so turrets of a DD to fit a BB gun. 

  • Re : costom ships.

    03. 26. 2012 02:58


This is simply next to impossible in a sprite-based game.

Also, considering this....



  • Re : costom ships.

    03. 26. 2012 09:45


Originally Posted by CNR4806

Also, considering this....



Didn't stop them from adding SS5s.