HA Infomation



  • controlable escort ships, migit subs.

    03. 25. 2012 21:50

Recommend : 0


wouldent it be nice to press a hot key, and bam your controlling your escort ship? and press it again and ur back at ur main ship? that way you could do alot of cool things. EX: load your bb/cv with aa guns, and your escort with hh, so when theres planes you can shoot them down, but say theres a sub. you can switch to your escort ship and take it out manually. also in manual controll mode, you can luanch scouts from your escort ship.

migit subs: t4-t5 subs should be able to luanch mini subs with about ss1 amount of air, and pilot them like a normal sub, the orginal sub acting as a sort of mothership. you would only be able to hold 1 mini sub in t4, and two in t5 and the subs would get slightly better depending on the level of your submariner, the guy who you level to be able to use mini subs. it would make subing a whole lot cooler.  


  • Re : controlable escort ships, migit subs.

    03. 26. 2012 04:59


1st of all on the midget sub idea, no not 2 midget, only 1

  • Re : controlable escort ships, migit subs.

    03. 26. 2012 09:41


I don't think anyone would actually use the escort mode outside of blitz and people who just discovered it, but it isn't necessarily a bad idea. It couldn't possibly help balance, but at least it would be fun to run around with an oyodo escort with AA guns and infinite scouts.


Midget subs: No. Either they would be completely useless, or they would make subs even more overpowered than they already are. SS4 and 5 don't need any improvements or anything to make them cooler.