HA Infomation



  • EBB in NF Store

    03. 28. 2012 10:53

Recommend : 14


So I searched the forums and I see suggestions on threads about this but no direct threads. I feel that with the amount of EBBs rolling around these days that they should be available in the premium store.

EBBs used to be very very very rare even EBB1s (2+ years ago) you had to win some rediclous last man standing event or something along those lines. Very few people had them and the people that had them used them for fun.

Why not let the people that missed out on these massive events that give out hundreds of ebb1/2/3 buy them. You can buy sailors with olives (soon again) so why shouldn't EBBs be included into this?

It would add to the ship trees and make grinding less of an annoyance to the people that don't play as much, or those of us that have a job and family. Everyone wants variety, just throw em in the premium item store at a fair price.

EBB1 180-200 olives ($8-12)
EBB2 240-260 olives ($12-14)
EBB3 280-300 olives ($15-20)

I think these pricing points are pretty fair for the calibre of ship.

My second idea if selling individual EBBs is a bit too easy then make an EBB pack. Pay 250-300 olives and get a random EBB (limit 2) with some sort of perk (vet/expert/boost or whatever) included.

Over the last 2 months of being back and noticing how many EBBs are ingame now makes me sick. Why not even the playing field?


  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 28. 2012 14:56



  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 28. 2012 15:09


Agreed; If they were very rare, I would say no. But as common as they are, they should be in the store.

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 28. 2012 17:46


You need to search harder. Then go on Ebay and see if you can buy olympic gold medals while youre at it.

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 28. 2012 19:16


Cool thought, tho the pricing im not so certain...

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 09:42



  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 10:14



  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 10:41


If your gonna say no atleast put a valid reason. Otherwise your input is invalid.

To those that agree I welcome more ideas to make the pricing fair. I'm thinking $20 should be the price of an EBB3 since they are near BB4 power. It would give certian nations *cough* ijn* easier to grind supports through instead of the terrible excuse some PBB's are.

In short my logic is with all the broken content the EBB's are something that is actually somewhat balanced for nation strengths/weaknesses. Where as some PBB's are still being worked on(afaik)

It's easier than coding, It will not add to the ship tree or sprites because they are already there and these ships need good crews just like the PBB's to work effectivly. Everyone is always complaining about grinding. Well I don't mind it but I also wouldn't mind the chance to have MORE ships.

Obivously there should be some sort of limit as to how many EBBs you have(2/3 for instance so the frind referral is still feesable.)

PS. Thanks for supporting the idea, If you don't like it quit being so uptight and goto the doctor to get that stick removed. You want more players? You need to give them what they want. It's not like this is gonna ruin the 100-120 grind for anyone witch is where most of the game is played/won.

Noobs in BB's...Not like we haven't seen that before just means moar food.

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 10:52


Originally Posted by ljsevern

Agreed; If they were very rare, I would say no. But as common as they are, they should be in the store.

Imagine what I thought never seeing an EBB2/3 coming back the first time and seeing a Warspite a Hyuga and LeHarve in the same room. SHIPS I DIDNT EVEN KNOW EXISTED

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 10:56


i think this is a good and fair idea. I am pretty sure Navyfield EU already sells them through their store.

  • Re : EBB in NF Store

    03. 30. 2012 12:08


big fat no.

Event BB

Event CV.

Thank you cya.

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