HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 16:39


Lets say if I am hosting a GB and someone feels like to say GO even though room is not full or insufficient BB's or CV,am I allowed to kick the player for saying GO?


  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 16:55


Nope. I have noticed though that a lot of players that host seem to be afk more often now. It just gets annoying.

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 16:58


No because ppl will report you for well as calling others a "noob" which is a harmless word

And TNF will many times ban you for it. Either because of your fleet, or because if they dont ban you the first time, the repoter will re-submit crying its harrassment or some BS excuse until your banned.

Its BS.

SDE's GM  and TNF's work would be cut by 80% of they took the tickets and said "Sorry grow up and get a pair of balls and dont be so butt hurt over a game" and just copy and pasted that into most of the tickets. 

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 17:02


Funny who wrote one of the replies here.

If they are disrupting the room via their moronic spamming I will ban them.  If they return and tell me they are going to report me, I will encourage it and even bait them into doing it.

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 17:07


Originally Posted by Rehor

Funny who wrote one of the replies here.

If they are disrupting the room via their moronic spamming I will ban them.  If they return and tell me they are going to report me, I will encourage it and even bait them into doing it.

I ban anyone that spams from my rooms. I always screenshot to cover myself because you always have those individuals that love to put a ban in place unjustly. 

That said, in a Normal room, I am far harsher with my bannings. You say Go, you insult a player, you act like a moron. You are gone. 

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 17:07


So, I can Ban "GOGOGOGOGOGO" n00bs at will if they start pesking around?

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 17:48


if your hosting and you feel disrespected by the spammers its green light to give warning then kick if warning is ignored .



player ; go go go

player ; go host

player; AFK host all out

Host ; No Spamming Go Plz = kick

player ; go

Host ; Stop spamming plz

player ; go

Right click

Player has been Banned from room

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 17:54


Originally Posted by Piombo


player ; go go go

Right click

Player has been Banned from room

My version has been put in. Let them try and report you, you can easily say it was an accident and all problems are solved.

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 09. 2012 23:02


SDE doesn't want you to, but do it.

At least if you're willing to take the risk of being reported and banned by a TNF with a fleet agenda that thinks filter bypassing and telling people to quit flaming their CVs are killing the game.


Unless what you're talking about is banning someone from blitz because you don't like the planes on their CV.


And unless you're waiting for extra CVs when there are four balanced CVs in the game, or waiting for 120% exp. Then no, it's you that should be banned.

  • Re : Backseat Hosters

    04. 10. 2012 02:29


If someone's disrupting the room with backseat hosting or go spam, they get one warning to knock it off, they they get the boot. If they come back then they're booted again and the room is closed. If they're not in a BB or CV, they get the boot after the room has closed, but before the split.

I've been threatened with reports numerous times, but I've yet to be banned, or even warned to be lienient by a mod/TNF. Thus, I'll keep doing what I'm doing because it makes for less irritation in a room.