HA Infomation



  • NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 21. 2011 15:49

Recommend : 0


Does anyone know what NF's priorities are?

Seems to me that they are busy flopping around tweaking exceedingly unimportant issues when they could be making significant improvements in the game.

1) Subs - There are some problems with SS1 and SS2, and some complaints about higher tiers, but overall, they are pretty normal.  Too much energy expended arguing about nerfs and buffs.  Just leave them alone for a while and let people adjust.
2) Fighter planes - Some changes could be made (my opinion), but mostly okay.  Not a priority at this moment.
3)  BB changes.  Minor changes, go ahead and adjust, not a priority.
a) Autostart - not to be found.  At some point NF will realize that without a quick start setup, people just get burned out waiting 10 minutes for a game, only to have the Host AFK and start the routine all over again.
b) Hedge-hog problem with Cluster bomb lethality on  surface ships (not talking about ASW). HH in Blitz, etc.

Game Improvements
a) Graphics - Could be better.
b) Feature changes to planes (Ftrs, Bmbrs, Scouts).
c) New Maps, more area, unique setups
d) More harbors for fleets
e) New Premium ships (PBB-II, PSS, PFF, PDD)
f) Improved Trade system (okay now, but could be better)

Just seems to me that NF is not focusing on real issues affecting most players and wasting time on trivial issues, when they could be enhancing the game.


  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 21. 2011 16:53

you forgot a big one!!!!!

give us a dam high lvl dd (not premium ship) so we can pwn sub whit our big fat 120 creew

and not a remodel , a new one whit good asw and aa fire power .

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 21. 2011 21:28

Originally Posted by captcrazy

you forgot a big one!!!!!

give us a dam high lvl dd (not premium ship) so we can pwn sub whit our big fat 120 creew

and not a remodel , a new one whit good asw and aa fire power .

I'd like to see dedicated ASW setup on a Prem DD. I think it is an awesome contribution to gameplay. I also think FFs and DDs should be Depth Charge delivery systems, not hedge-hogs. HH should be for defense on CVs and BBs and CAs. BB and CA should be required to use their R-slots for regular guns, and only T-slots for HH. CLs might be that middle ground ship with no changes to current setup.

Better sonar, good speed, fix the splash damage problem by enabling fast/slow fuse settings(can't we set a timer to ensure the ship is just outside the splash radius before the DC explodes without having to be in OH?), and deliver good Exp and Credits, something more like L60 or L75 type PDD. Not so much a small dynamo, but a solid DD; about 1.25 X current DDs.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 22. 2011 01:01

-Main priority is fixing the numerous bugs imo.

-Second, ASW and SS. Make it a worthwhile unique mode where SSing has the tool to be stealthy, without being able to run after BBs for half the map.

-Third plane balance

-Fourth BB changes if needed.

I include change to HH surface abilities in the 2nd one.

Graphic, new content and trade system change are all secondary to the one I listed in my opinion. Especially new content. Don't unlock new ships when the balance isnt settled yet, and don't unlock new harbor till HA stop crashing.

Mod note removed Quoted text

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 22. 2011 09:34

I agree with the automated battle organizing, WOT style. But I don't know what effect it would have on the NF community.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 22. 2011 15:01


Is it so hard to have the Master Status devolve onto the senior player if the room is full and 30 seconds has passed ?

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 23. 2011 11:40

Originally Posted by FalleNStaR

I agree with the automated battle organizing, WOT style. But I don't know what effect it would have on the NF community.

WOT style. Lol. It fails pretty hard too.

I'm with aingeal. After 6 years, i want the crashing and the bugs gone. The game becomes twice as bearable when that happens.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 23. 2011 12:09

-Bugs and Crashes should be the priorities, there is alot of players, who crashes at battleroom, either way by entering and not loading at all, and freezed screen, or at the end, someone enter doesnt load, but your screen, freezes.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 23. 2011 13:20

Originally Posted by Humberto20

-Bugs and Crashes should be the priorities, there is alot of players, who crashes at battleroom, either way by entering and not loading at all, and freezed screen, or at the end, someone enter doesnt load, but your screen, freezes.

I think the priority should be preventing hackers and keeping cheats from playing the game.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 23. 2011 13:35

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by Humberto20

-Bugs and Crashes should be the priorities, there is alot of players, who crashes at battleroom, either way by entering and not loading at all, and freezed screen, or at the end, someone enter doesnt load, but your screen, freezes.

I think the priority should be preventing hackers and keeping cheats from playing the game.

Maybe we should try hackshield? It seems like it would do a pretty good job, lets give it a shot.

  • Re : NF Changes - What are the Priorities?

    10. 23. 2011 13:46

Originally Posted by Happymeal2

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by Humberto20

-Bugs and Crashes should be the priorities, there is alot of players, who crashes at battleroom, either way by entering and not loading at all, and freezed screen, or at the end, someone enter doesnt load, but your screen, freezes.

I think the priority should be preventing hackers and keeping cheats from playing the game.

Maybe we should try hackshield? It seems like it would do a pretty good job, lets give it a shot.

I never had any issues with it. Fuss over nothing.

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