HA Infomation



  • Pancreatic Cancer

    09. 16. 2012 00:53


Turns out my father's pancreatic cancer has taken a turn for the worse, and he will not be getting better from this. (Currently at Stage 4). Just thought that I would share with the community that I know that some of you have gone through a stressful moment like this in your life and have dealt with it successfully. So any helpful advice is welcome! Personally my navyfield time will be constricted, but I will do my best to continue my duty here even though this real life issue will take major priority over anything else. My prayers and best wishes go out to anyone who has had anyone they knew go through this, and best wishes to you all!
Happy sailing, and see you on the battlefield. 


  • Re : Pancreatic Cancer

    09. 30. 2012 20:58


Sorry to hear that. Will pray for you, lost a friend a few hours ago of muliple cancers, they gave him 2 weeks to live, and he died 2 days later. Just remember god is there and will never turn his back on you, or your family.

  • Re : Pancreatic Cancer

    10. 01. 2012 00:46


cpl my heart goes out with you and just keep beliving. My family has not had much luck this year for all sorts of reasons so maybe some good luck will go to yours.

Just keep your faith and if u need a chat i am here


Your freind


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