HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • Colorado setup

    07. 21. 2011 01:36

I've been reading through, sounds like Colorado is my next ship. I prefer range and lots of armor. Ideal setup? thanks for your input


  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 22. 2011 02:12

Originally Posted by sock307

why light ammo? I dont see a range difference between that and heavy, or am I blind?

yes you are blind. try loading the LHE, NHE HHE and ap on for gun on one ship and see the difference

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 22. 2011 03:58

LOOOOL triple 14" isnt the worst, i had ~100k attacks in here. Triple 16" has worst range but if u have good engys it will work well so stop crying, its my opinion if he cant even choose for hisself...

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 22. 2011 04:03

Originally Posted by sock307

why light ammo? I dont see a range difference between that and heavy, or am I blind?


using LHE is a practice on all bb1-4, bb5-6 and rentals have permanent LHE (but doesn't shown as LHE in the list)

AP and LHE have same range

+ Gun variants differs also, L give more range than N and D

in bb fight range is everything :D

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 22. 2011 04:55

Originally Posted by phantom3553

Originally Posted by sock307

why light ammo? I dont see a range difference between that and heavy, or am I blind?


using LHE is a practice on all bb1-4, bb5-6 and rentals have permanent LHE (but doesn't shown as LHE in the list)

AP and LHE have same range

+ Gun variants differs also, L give more range than N and D

in bb fight range is everything :D

The damage may be different, but you have more range (and if your south and shoot to north you even have a little bit more range) But the most people use LHE, and it works perfectly, because when the SD is gone the enemy bb will sink if you hit it. with a few shells.

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 22. 2011 21:39

For Colorado I suggest:


Mark 2 16" Ls with 3 binds LHE and 1 Bind AP per turrent

the 33,000 BHP USN BB Engine, whichever number it was.

*IF you use AA: 3" 70 Ns since your AA gunners would not be high enough for rld cap of the 5"*

0.2 - 0.4 (I use 0.2) belt then bulge til before you lose a knot of speed, This will be the base armor for all future BBs as this is the most effective armor setup. I also put 2 bulk since bulk lowers the required DP needed to Overheat slightly, enough that if you burning near the limit you can burn an extra second without losing OH. Which has saved me multiple times, plus it strengthens the ships Structural Defense, which you can look up on some other time.



The guns have almost identical range and the same angles as your next ship, the South Dakota.
Speed is essential for US, No US BB can EFFICIENTLY armor whore. Some can. But not efficiently.
Light torp armor is all needed in GB environment for US


Another option if you like lower angle guns (Which now is a good time to get use to hang time and higher angle guns as the rest of the US line is 40/45 degree guns) you can use the Mark 7 14" Ls. They have mediocre spread and are the preferred guns of the 3 other BB2s. (Only the remods are BB2s, the pre-Remods are BB1s) They are good for quick hits and have 6 binds of ammo if I remember right. You won't need that much and like I said before, its time to get use the hangtime and the damage 16" shells do.


I have all 4 US BB2s and all 15 US main line BBs, PBB and all 3 EBBs, my favorites were : BB1: Guam, BB2 Colorado for Sodak Line and Penny for NorCal line, BB3: Sodak. Iowa is my overall favorite US BB.

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 25. 2011 01:01

Originally Posted by Rick5000

Originally Posted by phantom3553

Originally Posted by sock307

why light ammo? I dont see a range difference between that and heavy, or am I blind?


using LHE is a practice on all bb1-4, bb5-6 and rentals have permanent LHE (but doesn't shown as LHE in the list)

AP and LHE have same range

+ Gun variants differs also, L give more range than N and D

in bb fight range is everything :D

The damage may be different, but you have more range (and if your south and shoot to north you even have a little bit more range) But the most people use LHE, and it works perfectly, because when the SD is gone the enemy bb will sink if you hit it. with a few shells.

If I just wanted to argue and destroy your point I'd just have to say : But what if my enemy has full DP and SD???

However the LHE are to be used. Not for the reason you said.

Simply BB fight are dealt in one or 2 decisive shots at higher level. Even some BB2s have salvo rated at 30k+. So if you have those nice HHE that gives you extra damage, but by the time you get in range, you have been shot twice....your few extra Ks of damage are pretty pointless.

Its not a war of attrition like blitz was anymore, with CAs, not counting blocking yorks and baltis, could trade 10-15 shot in range before one finally sank. Even CAs should run LHE in my opinion.

As far as stormvenger's comment to you goes : You totally failed to mention the main and best setup of the colorado, that is the 2x16" mk2 Ls. The 3x16" mk3s D (minimonty setup) are a lolz setup that we all use at some point cuz we are bored.

The 3x14" mk7s are an option but are less efficient. Mainly when it comes to their poor armor piercing. I dont even bother with AP with my penn, rushing for belt is the best way to deal with AW with those. The spread can also be painful with smaller target. Even at higher levels. They are for rushing, and the colorado isnt as adept at it than the penn43.


about AA:

All guns rld cap at the same time. The % of the displayed rld time that your rld ability skive off is the same for all gun at a same given point.

With lvl 70 gunners, I dare say the reload (seeing as they are normally classed rld all the way) is reduced enough so the 5"/38 mk38Ls are quite workable, the spread being helped by the BB FCS. The reload difference with the 3/70 mk23 Ns is minimal at that point.

Its mainly down to player preference. That said I also personnaly prefer the 3/70 for USN AA.

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 25. 2011 12:37

Originally Posted by sock307

why light ammo? I dont see a range difference between that and heavy, or am I blind?

You could test the ranges and see for yourself, since you have 4 guns, load each one of the ammos on each gun (LHE, MHE, HHE, AP)

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 25. 2011 17:09

Make sure the BO spots the shell too.

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 25. 2011 19:29

Originally Posted by aingeal


about AA:

All guns rld cap at the same time. The % of the displayed rld time that your rld ability skive off is the same for all gun at a same given point.

With lvl 70 gunners, I dare say the reload (seeing as they are normally classed rld all the way) is reduced enough so the 5"/38 mk38Ls are quite workable, the spread being helped by the BB FCS. The reload difference with the 3/70 mk23 Ns is minimal at that point.

Its mainly down to player preference. That said I also personnaly prefer the 3/70 for USN AA.

At lower levels its easier to get use to AA with faster firing AA guns...

Plus US 3" AA is enough to one shot most planes and @ lvl 70 the difference between the 3" rld and 5" rld is enough to make a difference when facing bombers.. Especially the more skilled ones that have appeared more since MN was released.

  • Re : Colorado setup

    07. 26. 2011 00:03

Originally Posted by normpearii

Originally Posted by aingeal


about AA:

All guns rld cap at the same time. The % of the displayed rld time that your rld ability skive off is the same for all gun at a same given point.

With lvl 70 gunners, I dare say the reload (seeing as they are normally classed rld all the way) is reduced enough so the 5"/38 mk38Ls are quite workable, the spread being helped by the BB FCS. The reload difference with the 3/70 mk23 Ns is minimal at that point.

Its mainly down to player preference. That said I also personnaly prefer the 3/70 for USN AA.

At lower levels its easier to get use to AA with faster firing AA guns...

Plus US 3" AA is enough to one shot most planes and @ lvl 70 the difference between the 3" rld and 5" rld is enough to make a difference when facing bombers.. Especially the more skilled ones that have appeared more since MN was released.

You completely missed my point.

What I said, is that its wrong to suggest the caps are different from gunset to gunset. Its a fixed reload cap, in the kind of mathematic formula F(x) = b.

We also aren't talking lower level, but lvl 70. BVE 11 rld used to cap rld around 79. I dont know the new value since they upgraded the cap, but it should be close.

The difference in reload time between the two is minimal at that point.

As I said, it IS a matter of preference at that point. Low level (50 and under) do advantage the 3/70 over the 5/38, but above that, refer to previous sentence.

It is wrong to say that there is still a clear choice between the two at those levels.

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