HA Infomation



  • ASW rewards

    03. 22. 2014 06:31

Recommend : 9


Everyone complains about SS yet many do not do ASW because the exp you get is low.

I would suggest that a small award of some type be given to FF, DD, or Cl that sinks SS.

It could be given during events or even during regular battles.

It could be as little as 1 olive for every ss sunk during an event or just an exp boost, amount determined by SDE.   Supposedly you get an exp boost for sinking a ship with tuning.    So, it ought to be possible to give an experience boost to an FF, DD, or Cl for sinking an SS.   Whatever the reward, SDE can determine the award.

The award given to FF, DD, & Cl players, who are usually lower level, more of an incentive to play GBs.   At the same time, it might lower the "grousing" done by many of the higher level players that complain about the strength and stealth of the SS.

In many threads, there are complaints that the use of SS unbalances the game.   By potentially adding ASW ships, the game becomes more balanced if it is truly unbalanced.

In terms of historical realism....(I know, this is just a game), the FF and the DD becomes the subchasers that they were historically.

Having done a lot of ASW, I know for a fact that it is one of the more difficult jobs in NF.
There should be more of a reward. 


  • Re : ASW rewards

    03. 26. 2014 18:53


Originally Posted by chang792

Originally Posted by Chaosticket

Originally Posted by chang792

ASW is a difficult job? But you know what is really difficult? Sneaking underwater at low speed, praying for every second of your time while diving that you won't encounter a KM SS5/5.5, sneaking through the checking eyes of CLs and DDs who will no doubt shower you with HH once they see you on their sonar.

If the hunters are meant to be awarded for their kills, should the prey also be awarded for living another day? 

Youre ignoring the fact that a single torpedo can one-shot frigates and destroyers, and 2 shot light cruisers. Even tier 1 submarines can carry several torpedoes making it overkill.

Youre also not pointing out that if You dont encounter ships with hedgehogs and sonar youre free to damage and destroy numerous ships.

Submarines have no "hard-counter", a target that is both defensively resistant and offensively specialized. To have that ingame you would need a "super-destroyer" with large anti-torpedo bulges and at least 8 hedgehog launchers.

Submarine hunting was a problem in real life, but ingame its magnified due to poor design and balancing. Submarines being able to avoid the hedgehog by diving is just stupid(hedgehog dont explode until they hit something, like submarines).

Then to top that all off, you get very little rewards for actually damaging or destroying a submarine.

Sub's torpedos are hard hitting, so what? The BB5~6s can deal three times as much as I can do in one game from five times as far away and they can still one shot any FF DD CL as long as they aim, I think the torpedos isn't the one that should be nerfed, the BB shells are.

Sub has a hard counter, it is called 'another sub'. And also, why should there be a super DD? Wouldn't that be unfair to the SS that the super DD can literally run around at 70 knots? Reloading NHH at just around 20 seconds with some EBVE gunners?

Just for the record, sub gets very little for every ship it sank as well, so why should the DD FF CL get a bonus while we don't?

The damage on a sub is never free, the BBs/CVs can run away with long as hell OH, or use smoke to evade. With 34 knots underwater speed, I can't chase down anything, not even a BB5, whose OH is 40 knots and lasts god knows how long.

Sub hunting isn't supposed to be easy, it makes it unfair to the sub players if the sonar can pick them up from miles away and all the BB evacuate and the area is obliterated with HH. 

I think I am done here, there is no reason to argue here, I mean this is like a rape accusation where one person's words stacked against the other. We can always play the victim cards, but at the end, we might as well accept what is there, and since when did $DE ever ceased to disappoint?  

OK, maybe your have a SS1. 

With a SS4 or 5 don´t need OH to chase BB5 or 6. Those BB will use OH since first time. SS, as there are no ASW ships can come closer at 1 knot speed a reach the enemy line drinking tea.

  • Re : ASW rewards

    04. 01. 2014 12:35


 ASW is OK......with CA  ( km Molke)   with 6 x phh and 2 x 8" guns..its a challenge.

Best fun is DD with DC...takes alot of skill to take out SS6. 

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