HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Another CV crew setup help...

    08. 28. 2011 21:43

What is the ideal crew for going the hosho line?
Mostly TBs but maybe a few DBs

I want an exact number of how many of what sailors.


  • Re : Another CV crew setup help...

    08. 31. 2011 19:17

Originally Posted by KingCong

Originally Posted by cambsguy

as for classing to rookie right away yes you should

nope. not necessarily unless you need a scout or want to mine.

Classing a spec force>rookie gives +4 aircraft (which is completely useless) while giving -2 in repair and restore.

Classing a spec force when he hits Ftr (40), DB (45), TB (33) are a must though.

Classing a spec force late gives you a handful of more rep and SD without any loss other than not having 5 extra scouts.

This is the answer I was looking for!

  • Re : Another CV crew setup help...

    09. 02. 2011 13:14

Originally Posted by Rick5000

Originally Posted by gv345

so I can keep them as supports so they can operate oyodo guns till I they get to pilot level?

No, Pilots can only control planes, no gun slots etc.

He was asking if supports can operate guns, not pilots.

The answer is yes, as well as spec forces sailors if you delay class them as I have mentioned.

Spec Forces can use basic guns, basic torps, HH, and DC.

(And to clarify, they should still be classed as spec forces not to get confused even though I mentioned support stats)

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