HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • FUSO OR B65

    09. 12. 2011 02:41

Title says all ;D

I just wanna have a better grind out of these two choices ... also Ise can be an alternative after Kongo

Feel free to comment below =D 


  • Re : FUSO OR B65

    09. 13. 2011 23:14

Originally Posted by Lone_RANGER

Originally Posted by aingeal

Originally Posted by Lone_RANGER
note: .. you can use torps in the T slots instead of HH mentioned above ... if hh costs is an issue ..
(you might get called noob by many people .. but remeber .. they are ijn torps ... best range in the game)
as 'torpers' use your armament sailors being leveled up past 85+ before classing as DP for yamato AA duty

You failed at failing.

1st : Torps on a BB is a bad idea since no ships are supposed to be close enough for you to use them efficiently, and you can't torp wall very much with a single shot in each launcher (no armament space on most CL, and on CA+, remember?)

Put a bag of brick in each slot, thats going to have the same weight effect slowing you down, and about the same usefulness than torp launcher. HH/DC are a much better ASW option if its the goal, and otherwise AA. If unavailable, keep the speed, and/or use additionnal supports.

My favorite is the fail in the fail tough.

2nd : How exactly do you figure he'll access the M93 launcher with armory sailors, seeing as they need an heavy torpedo classing?

you wanna troll and talk about fails ?/ ... fine .. lets talk about fails ...

you fail literacy .. ? who said anything about the m93 launcher ??

you also failed to read the part at leveling AA armaments in the t slots ...
basic torps work until you class them as DP .. and then you have AA for your yamato ..
in the meantime you have FUN with the basic ijn torps .. not that you would understand that

and you also failed to read the part about where i suggested torps only if HH costs were an issue .. duh ...

your fail within a fail is ...
Originally Posted by aingeal

otherwise AA. If unavailable, keep the speed, and/or use additionnal supports.

if AA is unavilable .. then maybe leveling aa armaments in the t slots is actually a better idea .... duh-oh
or are you suggesting that he use the support slots to level his aa armaments ?? .. kick off 2 engies for it ??
you suggest this while saying 'keep the speed' at the same time ? do you even think before trolling to argue ?
you're also explictly implying that he should get to the yamato without having any ijn AA leveled for it .. sheesh
he levels to the yamato .. and has no AA DP ... because you told him not to ... wow .. talk about fail suggestions

you basically have selective illiteracy just to pick parts you want to troll for the sake of argument and insult .. tsk

troll on dudeman ...

its posters like you who give this forum a bad tatse and drive people off the boards here ..
so i suppose its no wonder fleet forums are far superior for having a decent enviroment ..

Literacy is knowing how to read and spell. Looking at your post, I'm quite happy with the level where mine rest actually.

The word/expression you are actually looking for would be "selective reading" or "dyslexic". And I'll also point out shortly how its actually funny you accuse me of doing something I didn't do, but you happily keep doing.

And no, I'm not. You said the "torps with the best range in the game" and those are the M93. Rest of them aren't that much better than any other nation's torp. So how the heck you figure lvl 20 or so launcher are a good idea on a BB is beyond me. How the heck you even say DD1 torp range is a "good range" is also beyond me.

You also obviously failed to see the "and/or" use supports. Leveling crew is often done on a rotation, I didnt think I needed to explain that one. Now, I never said to level the armory otherwise than the T-slots. Just not to weight down the ship with useless torp launchers.

Why don't you reading carefully what is written next time? I actually said this would allow you to level 2 more supports, if you so wished, and suddenly you are claiming I want to remove engies? Thats an impressive leap of logic.

DC work with armory sailors. Much better ASW defense than torps. Also have the bright side of weighting less, actually be efficient, altough you still only have one shot in each, and won't make you look like a total idiot in game. If you absolutely want something with your armory, those would be the acceptable weapon to use, seeing as they do help a bit as far as SS are concerned.

Torps on BBs half the time equal torping your own team and not getting a single hit from them, or getting killed at start having identity issue and thinking you are somewhat a kitakami.

  • Re : FUSO OR B65

    09. 14. 2011 00:17

Back to topic, if you have lvl 62 arm sailors, and you can AA, then don't wait more and convert them top Chief DP gunners, get 4.7 DP guns. the expert increase is amazing, and you get good exp and credits.

Since you're a BB1, most of the time your main guns are used just for support (except ,n some situations the enemy is blind or retreating, BBs killed etc).

So B65, excels over FUSO if you have decent DP gunners. Even at lvl62, you can snipe enemy scouts, kill waves of enemy fighters. And it is better to escort as AA ship than doing nothing.


  • Re : FUSO OR B65

    09. 14. 2011 16:12

Originally Posted by phxtr

Back to topic, if you have lvl 62 arm sailors, and you can AA, then don't wait more and convert them top Chief DP gunners, get 4.7 DP guns. the expert increase is amazing, and you get good exp and credits.

Since you're a BB1, most of the time your main guns are used just for support (except ,n some situations the enemy is blind or retreating, BBs killed etc).

So B65, excels over FUSO if you have decent DP gunners. Even at lvl62, you can snipe enemy scouts, kill waves of enemy fighters. And it is better to escort as AA ship than doing nothing.


classing at 62 does give heavier crew tough, since they gained their true ability via xpert rather than growth. Which also mean you are forced to keep them BVEd to keep the same true ability a sailor with more ability growth would have.

It is however true, that regular BVEd classed at 62 gunners have the same true ability growth than armory sailors kept that way till lvl 85. They also have the options of getting some extra vets that could help them surpass the late-classed sailors if they so wished.

Cost remain extra weight, therefore a few less bulge unit.

  • Re : FUSO OR B65

    09. 15. 2011 17:57

Go B65 for the AA practice. You'll need it when you get to Yammy. But Fuso/Ise with 16's is nice too to break the grind.

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