HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Deck vs Bombs

    10. 06. 2011 23:47

So I remember there was a post in the old forum where it said Deck armor is "All or Nothing" and also that "Since dive bombers drop their bombs at a near 90 degree angle, that bombs couldn't be bounced."

I have been driving an IJN BW for a few months now and I'm currently in the Zuikaku. My bombs have been bounced by a lot of unarmor whored BBs/CVs.  For example, I have a video of my 4/6 bombs hitting 0s on a Le Havre. Also there were many instances where my bombs were bounced off a 3gun Lion 2.

My question is, how does armor work in this game?!?! 


  • Re : Deck vs Bombs

    10. 08. 2011 15:31

Originally Posted by Eradicator1

I conducted a test vs an armored L2 vs an unarmored L2.

The one with armor took about 10k less damage

I can assure you without any video this is correct. Its not to the point where AP bombs are needed I do not think. Its been awhile since I experimented with AP bombs.

Anyway 0s can be near misses or randomness. Just remember the higher your planes are when you drop the more damage you will do.

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