HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • What's up?

    10. 27. 2011 20:14

I'm new to the game. Been playing for about a day and it feels like I'm being punished. There's nothing in this game for a DD to do, it's always GB. Nothing else. Look devs I'm new here, and I guarantee you that real newbs are getting turned off like I am. Is there anything in the works to alleviate this or did I just spend 10$ on premium to get screwed? Just a little frustrated, Val


  • Re : What's up?

    10. 29. 2011 18:33

Always do ASW in DD and even when you are in a CL. Since you are a new player, try not to use HH much, use Depth Charge to fight subs. You can forget about Bliz room, just hunt subs in GB, with the Prem account you have, you will find yourself in a CA very soon, and then you can actually blow up ships!!

Welcome to the NF community.

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