HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • dd armor

    11. 14. 2011 17:30

I have a quick question. Most topics I've seen on the forum always say armor for the USN is pointless. But I put an inch of belt on my DDX and it seemed to help. Not against BB's or CA's of course, but against other DD's it seems to work fine.

I've gone up against other DDX's or Z99's and the armor seems to give a little edge in the kind of close range slugging matches that usually develop between DD's. And since it only cost me a know of speed, I'm wondering it its worth chugging along at 50 knots if it lets me survive a firefight longer.


  • Re : dd armor

    11. 23. 2011 13:21

Originally Posted by normpearii

Doesn't work that way.

It either hits for is normal damage

Or gets bounced.

1" of belt won't bounce anything but belt fired but maybe KM Flak guns.

Don't get used to armor on US, the only really effect ships are the New Orleans. Even then I would prefer the speed than the armor.

.2-.5 belt max (30%-70% torp damage reduction, note over .5 changes are minimal and almost non-existent.

bulge til just before losing a knot of OH.

this is it in a nut shell...

The Only US Low level ship that can AW well is the Omaha Run the 6-7inch singles and Stack the belt, and get in close you will bounce alot

The US are Run and Gun(not chase) ships...

  • Re : dd armor

    11. 23. 2011 14:16

Originally Posted by n_scott_88

My question for that would be are you really "beating" the armor on the ship at range? My understanding, both from the game and real life is that at range you aren't really beating armor, but going around it. The whole idea of the immunity zone was that at close range your belt would protect you, up to a certain distance which was the lower bound of the immunity zone. Any distance farther away than this lower bound, shells would bounce off your belt armor until you reached the upped bound of the zone, after which the shells would be falling at a high enough angle they would hit your deck armor instead, with enough force left to punch through.

From what I know of the game, most people neglect the deck, so at long ranges shells tend to hit unarmored sections of the ship. Plus there's a bonus for HA attacks, which is why its recommended for lower level ships. Its something I've been trying to work on with my Atlanta, but my BO and gunners aren't really high enough to always make it work quite yet.

No, they are indeed beating the armor. They are using a faster ship with a longer range gun to give punishment while the armored ship can't get in range to hit back. What you are talking about is an armored deck. When running an armored ship, I look at the type of guns I'm using and how much speed I'll have left. If I'm getting in close then I armor the belt. If I'm using range I armor the deck.

  • Re : dd armor

    11. 23. 2011 19:58

With the exception of the RN's L class, I don't any reason why DD should use armour at all. DD main advantage is speed and should be exploited.

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