HA Infomation



  • Escort Carriers

    11. 19. 2011 18:35

Recommend : 2

I was reading some nonfiction the other day, and I came across something intresting. I read that USA had carriers, remolded from barges, that carried only 20 or so fighters/bombers for cornated attack. I think these would be awesome to have in the game, so long as they counted as cl or ca not cv, like the morgami.
Edit: this idea hads gone a bit astray, i'm not saying add carriers to the game, just make t1s of us, uk, inj, (not km or sv) count as escort carriers, they could be in gb as 4 to a team or somthing to that effect, tho this might still not be a great idea... 


  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 23. 2011 07:05

i am not minded to lock it at this point. yes the CVE are already in the game but as OP is asking the them to be reclassed, its a valid suggestion.

as someone has said 'they have always been counted as Cv's' i should point out that the IJN re mod CL/CA/BB used to be counted as CV's which was changed for GB2 flagship reasons.

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 23. 2011 13:18

Originally Posted by cambsguy

i am not minded to lock it at this point. yes the CVE are already in the game but as OP is asking the them to be reclassed, its a valid suggestion.

as someone has said 'they have always been counted as Cv's' i should point out that the IJN re mod CL/CA/BB used to be counted as CV's which was changed for GB2 flagship reasons.

1. No it's not valid because they truly are cvs, and it's been shot out of the sky on the old forum.

2. They were changed, if I remember correctly, for CV rooms, not flagship reasons. Who wants a bb in a cv room?

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 23. 2011 13:25

Well i'd say CV1's should be reclassed to CL/CA and serve as a stress free training platform for wannabe CVs and DB enthusiasts who don't want to take a valuable CV slot with a BW CV1... this however will be a problem since KM CV line starts at CV2 and they would get left out as the only nation that don't have a CVE (as opposed to IJN having the only CVEs currently in game).

So introducing a Hybrid CV for KM and changing the class of CV1 to CL/CA/CVE (they are even in the same level range as other CAs) and we get a nice class for players learning how to play a CV or wanting to have fun bombing whatever they want without the need to perform.

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 23. 2011 14:19

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

Well i'd say CV1's should be reclassed to CL/CA and serve as a stress free training platform for wannabe CVs and DB enthusiasts who don't want to take a valuable CV slot with a BW CV1... this however will be a problem since KM CV line starts at CV2 and they would get left out as the only nation that don't have a CVE (as opposed to IJN having the only CVEs currently in game).

So introducing a Hybrid CV for KM and changing the class of CV1 to CL/CA/CVE (they are even in the same level range as other CAs) and we get a nice class for players learning how to play a CV or wanting to have fun bombing whatever they want without the need to perform.

I support this idea. I actually was going to post a suggestion to change the ratings for some of the BBs to BCs.

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 24. 2011 07:41

Hi all..

I must say good 1 for not closing the discussion.

Quote- Sonlirain
Well i'd say CV1's should be reclassed to CL/CA and serve as a stress free training platform for wannabe CVs and DB enthusiasts who don't want to take a valuable CV slot with a BW CV1... this however will be a problem since KM CV line starts at CV2 and they would get left out as the only nation that don't have a CVE (as opposed to IJN having the only CVEs currently in game).

So introducing a Hybrid CV for KM and changing the class of CV1 to CL/CA/CVE (they are even in the same level range as other CAs) and we get a nice class for players learning how to play a CV or wanting to have fun bombing whatever they want without the need to perform.

I think thats a very good idea , unsure how practical, but i like it very much. Similar to the Agano - Oyodo set-up at present, but for each nation, it must be said these IJN re-models are seen a lot in-game, so they certainly have there use. I am sure once the idea is rolling there are plenty of historians that can help with ship types etc. I would have to again suggest to nerf AAW XP, or again there is still a simple by-pass at these levels, and the ships may not be as well used as hoped. Personally i am into anything that helps players enjoy the fun of CV'ing more, and this really is a good idea for players to dabble a bit, and see if they like it.


  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 24. 2011 09:57

Originally Posted by Happymeal2

Originally Posted by cambsguy

i am not minded to lock it at this point. yes the CVE are already in the game but as OP is asking the them to be reclassed, its a valid suggestion.

as someone has said 'they have always been counted as Cv's' i should point out that the IJN re mod CL/CA/BB used to be counted as CV's which was changed for GB2 flagship reasons.

1. No it's not valid because they truly are cvs, and it's been shot out of the sky on the old forum.

2. They were changed, if I remember correctly, for CV rooms, not flagship reasons. Who wants a bb in a cv room?

Note also that Oyodo, Mogami and Ise all have means for attack outside of Planes (R slots, Tslots) Neither attacker nor bogue have arms slots. Big difference.

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 24. 2011 10:14

Originally Posted by pobbers

Note also that Oyodo, Mogami and Ise all have means for attack outside of Planes (R slots, Tslots) Neither attacker nor bogue have arms slots. Big difference.

Yeah but how oftrem their weapons are actually useful in a GB (Blitz is another story)?

Almost never unless you are decked with (P)HH and even then you are better off using them to train more pilots (assuming you're using them at level)

besides Bogue Attacker and Hosho all have more plane launch and store capacity (6 on CV1 compared to 5 on a Hybrid CL/CA)

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    11. 25. 2011 04:32

escort carriers (CVE) were mostly used for replenishment of fleet carriers, CVS were there for escort duty,
the US didnt use these for combat duty afaik, japan did use them in this way (i believe the uk did so as well, like the hermes for example, not sure though).

i dont think splitting the fleet carriers from the smaller types would be a good thing, and people dont learn to play cv in hybrids, because you dont have enough planespace to effectively scout for you team. adding more hybrids wont add anything to the game imo

  • Re : Escort Carriers

    01. 08. 2012 15:39


  • Re : Escort Carriers

    01. 08. 2012 17:56

Back some years ago, I'd say the Ise CV's guns were quite useful. Good times blinding and killing BB4s and occasionally a BB5. Nowadays with the mass fighters and long range of BB6s though they're pretty useless.

On topic, I think these lowbie CVs should be counted as a CVs (the IJN Hosho is still a CV after all) but I think perhaps either adding a class (CVE) for CV1-2 should be done OR changing the ship system to use points, an example below:

CV6 = 100
PCV = 90
CV5 = 80
CV4 = 60
CV3 = 40
CV2 = 20
CV1 = 10

And limiting a team to have something like 300 points (limit of 1 CV6 per team applies).

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