HA Infomation



  • Adjust BB classifications in game

    11. 23. 2011 14:34

Recommend : 1

There was a lot of people that liked the idea of "great blitz" as they wanted level protection. They felt new players struggled in GBs against insurmountable odds. Frankly, we just don't have enough players in the game to split like that, amoungst other arguments.  What I propose instead is  adjusting the  number of ships allowed to join  the game by adding a classification: BC

My proposal would be that USN Alaska and Guam, UK Renown, Repulse and Hood, IJN Kongo, MN Bretnage, KM Scharnhorst and Gnesieau, and SN Ismail and Kronshtadt all be changed to BC and not BB. Then, we change to number of ships limited in games to this:


BB 18
BC 4
CV 8
SS 10

BB 16
BC 4
CV 8
SS 10

BB 3
BC 3
CV 4

What this does is allows new players to get into games faster as there are slots reserved for them. They may still get beat up by larger ships, but as they are cycling quicker, they will get in more games, earning more XP. Also, it doesn't dilute the talent level as after all, they are still playing/learning. I don't think that one team ending up with an extra Hood is really going to matter. to the balance of the sides, however  I thinkt that it would make life easier for the new players.

As far as the numbers go, you see that I reccomend slightly reducing the number of BB in GB1, but it still works out to have more gunships. That way you aren't hurting established players by making them wait even longer due to losing their limited spaces. GB2 used to have more ships, so I simply added them on. Blitz is already broke and there are a proportionally a lot more BC in blitz then GB, so the spilt should work just as well with odd numbers.


  • Re : Adjust BB classifications in game

    11. 24. 2011 07:04

Originally Posted by aingeal


That was a much more "logical" argument, as opposed to tossing a bunch a crap on the wall and and calling me stupid. I still disagree, but at least you took time to point out the parts you disagree with.

Frankly, something needs to be done to fix the issues I outlined or there won't be a game for us to argue about anymore.

  • Re : Adjust BB classifications in game

    11. 24. 2011 10:10

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by aingeal


That was a much more "logical" argument, as opposed to tossing a bunch a crap on the wall and and calling me stupid. I still disagree, but at least you took time to point out the parts you disagree with.

Frankly, something needs to be done to fix the issues I outlined or there won't be a game for us to argue about anymore.

I didn't change what I was saying since thread start. I simply explained in detail every points, but I'm holding the same argument that creating a BC class, inferior to BBs, would upset the tier balance since the beginning.

  • Re : Adjust BB classifications in game

    11. 24. 2011 15:32

Originally Posted by No1shero

hi all..

I'd just like to say i appreciate the ideas from Lionel2, and i think its great someone is thinking about the lower level bb/bc's , although, i would have to agree with the majority, and think this idea would be very hard to get balanced correctly, And i feel the currect balance would still be better for those concerned.

On saying that, i completely get the idea Lionel2 that the lower level guys need something to encourage them to play these ships more. Still half the problem here is the over the top XP for AAW players(no matter which ship used). It is still fact that playing AAW from lvl 50-70+ is far easier and more XP than using the BB/C 1-2. I honestly think if AAW XP was heavy nerfed we would see far more lower lvl BB/BC's around, thus improving the skill standards of BB players. I still think the credits for panes from AAW should be the same, so still giving some incentives to use AAW.

Anyways, back on subject, nice to see someone cares about the lower level guys :).


The bonus exp you get for hitting higher level ships means playing BB1/2 is great.

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