HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • PBB or EBB1/2? Which of the three is better?

    12. 12. 2011 10:44

So, I've set my sights on the Seva for this event, but I've come to have some seconds thoughts about it.
Namely, whether or not to get a New York or Mississippi instead.
So, which IS better? what are the largest guns the NY or the Missy can handle? Are they more effictive than the Seva?



  • Re : PBB or EBB1/2? Which of the three is better?

    12. 13. 2011 14:36

Originally Posted by Stormvanger

The NY has it's own guns, and pretty much has to stick to them. They have roughly the same range as the 12" mk8L triples and they don't hit very hard. But they have a 15 degree max angle, which makes them FUN. It's really hard to MISS with those guns. That said, the NY EBB is slow, so it's a liability in a GB style game.

I've been chasing that ship for 9 months. I'm so excited, just 1 more day of collecting coins!

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