HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 20. 2011 15:32


So I join a blitz room, game starts.....a minute later im seeing an SS2 sinking ships. Dont ask me how, dont ask  me why, it just happened.


Apologises for the quality of the screenshots, I was too busy freaking out. I know this doesnt show the hobbit war map ring but i garantee you, this was blitz.  The BB/CVs  count would be way higher and you wouldnt have this many people in close quarters as shown on the minimap.


  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 20. 2011 23:23

same repeating opinion will be repeating

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 00:10

It is not a new bug I saw a screen shot about 2 years ago with an ss in blitz
and in my opinion ss1/2 on hobbit map would be as unbalanced as ss in gb still are.

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 02:24

Originally Posted by ChopperDave

Originally Posted by fallsblvd

Well, seeing how HH is not allowed in blitz anymore this is kinda interesting. A bug I am sure, but it must be in the works, just got added by accident. Some thoughts:
-No HH so players would have to use DC...teaching subs when to crit dive...skill gained for HH in GB
-CL now carry a sonar man...skill gained for more usefull aa ships in GB later on
-DD/FF now get used to sighting subs and dodging torps...skill gained for GB ASW ships

I can only see how this helps the game.




  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 05:09

its not only in blitz, in also happen in select bb mode in the past a ss get in the waiting room

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 05:25

Originally Posted by bloodsky

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Subs aren't allowed in Blitz due to how overpowered they are.

Are you saying SS12 are OP?

In blitz they would be. That is what I said. I'm suprised this is coming from a Forum Mod. The balance of SS1's get better at end game because they quite literally are limited by airtime and can't put on high level crews, while the rest of the ships equivalent to it can (PCA's/HCV's/BB1's/CV1's)

The whole playstyle of subs is completely out of whack with the game. And I love how random accounts come on and claim otherwise when FACTS prove them wrong.

They can avoid ALL types of sub weapons. They have HUGE damage output (even SS1's). The only limiting factor of SS1/2 is airtime; SS2 has enough for competitive play in full maps, and SS1 has MORE than enough for hobbit wars blitz.

But sure, put in a ship class that has enough air to kill everything while not getting hit and be able to avoid all ASW weapons. Smart thing guys.

I would LOVE subs to be balanced and brought into Blitz. That WOULD be a good thing. But not as they currently are. It would be just like a Kita in Blitz, which while hilarious when playing, isn't balanced in the slightest.

And anyone questioning my experience in NF in general + Blitz... then you clearly don't have a clue.

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 09:53

I can agree that SS2 would be OP in Blitz, but not SS1, they just seem too fragile and slow.

Originally Posted by ljsevern

In blitz they would be. That is what I said. I'm suprised this is coming from a Forum Mod.

We are allowed to have our opinions on gameplay too, ya know?

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 10:16

IMO, SS 1/2 should be allowed into Blitz rooms for these reasons:

1. No Blitz EVER starts without DDs, therefore every game will have natural sonar ships, and enough of them to keep the sub scouted for most of the game.

2. The sub would lose at least half of it's air supply by critical diving or OH to dodge the torp fest that is in every room.

3. Because of the natural sonar provided by the DDs, enemy ships would be aware of the location of the sub and would be able to better avoid their torp range.

And 4. The sub would lose further air from ASW ships with DCs loaded on them because every DC keeps the sub in crit dive for at least 6 seconds of air, and DCs load quite fast even with at-level torpers.

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 15:53

Originally Posted by Plazmadj

IMO, SS 1/2 should be allowed into Blitz rooms for these reasons:

1. No Blitz EVER starts without DDs, therefore every game will have natural sonar ships, and enough of them to keep the sub scouted for most of the game.

2. The sub would lose at least half of it's air supply by critical diving or OH to dodge the torp fest that is in every room.

3. Because of the natural sonar provided by the DDs, enemy ships would be aware of the location of the sub and would be able to better avoid their torp range.

And 4. The sub would lose further air from ASW ships with DCs loaded on them because every DC keeps the sub in crit dive for at least 6 seconds of air, and DCs load quite fast even with at-level torpers.


  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 16:21

Originally Posted by bloodsky

I can agree that SS2 would be OP in Blitz, but not SS1, they just seem too fragile and slow.

Originally Posted by ljsevern

In blitz they would be. That is what I said. I'm suprised this is coming from a Forum Mod.

We are allowed to have our opinions on gameplay too, ya know?

Never said you didn't. All I said is that I expected representatives of the community to have a better idea on game balance. Mind you, I could point to the ones that made a mess of the last aircraft patch, the last BB3 patch, and the last RU patch.

  • Re : SS in blitz!?!?!?!?

    12. 21. 2011 16:50

Originally Posted by Plazmadj

IMO, SS 1/2 should be allowed into Blitz rooms for these reasons:

1. No Blitz EVER starts without DDs, therefore every game will have natural sonar ships, and enough of them to keep the sub scouted for most of the game.

2. The sub would lose at least half of it's air supply by critical diving or OH to dodge the torp fest that is in every room.

3. Because of the natural sonar provided by the DDs, enemy ships would be aware of the location of the sub and would be able to better avoid their torp range.

And 4. The sub would lose further air from ASW ships with DCs loaded on them because every DC keeps the sub in crit dive for at least 6 seconds of air, and DCs load quite fast even with at-level torpers.

The SS got off a few torps because no one expected him in there, but really he got his *** handed to him. From what I saw SS in hobbit map would become fish in a barrel. It would be great timing & tactics training for both ASW and the SS.

I think SS1 should be allowed in to blitz. Not SS2.

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