HA Infomation



  • Retreating Changes

    01. 01. 2012 10:48

Recommend : 9

In Shared Exp rooms.

Retreating should cause the ship to sink and be added to the opposing teams attack (Which takes into account SD and DP of the ship).

In CV War Rooms;

Retreating should cause 0 exp/credit and points at the end screen;


To stop people rage retreating in order to give no exp to the enemy

To allow the default map to be something other than No Way Out 1 (because of the removal of the above). 

To stop the FW AB'ing in CV war rooms.


This has been updated so that you still get exp credits and points if you retreat in any room other than CV War rooms. 


  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 02. 2012 17:45

I don't see why the system needs to punish players who retreats for various reasons. No way out 1 is more than enough solution to border humping and border retreating cvs. Perhaps they should make more maps base on it too..

The idea that a non BB/CV would have only 1 min time limit is short sighted. What if there is only 1 CV and CA on opposite teams? Wouldnt it be unfair for the CA to have 1 min time limit to kill the CV? If you cannot sink it earlier, why rage the fact that they are trying their best to stay in the game?

However I am ok with the idea that retreating causes the DP of the ship being added up into the opposing team score.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 02. 2012 22:06

Retreating should become instant.

No point in wasting one minute... if I want to leave a game, I should be able to do it as I please.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 03. 2012 07:56

*Retreating should cause 0 exp/credit and points at the end screen*
*Retreating should cause the ship to sink and be added to the opposing teams attack*
I like the option to retreat, even if I don´t use it myself often, except a Sub is wasting my time (or any other smaller ship). I know that we talk about a game, but a bit realism should be given. If a major part of a Team is already sunk and you don´t have a chance to win anymore you should be able to decide if you sacrifice your ship for nothing or retreat (and save the ship). Actually such a retreat should be rewarded with better XP then getting sunk. Also the opponent team should get a reward for forcing players to retreat, but not as much as it would have if they had sunk it (adding the DP of the retreating Ship to the teams attack is a fair solution, its less then usually “gained” by shooting). Beside this there are several situations where you should be able to retreat. I know some “nice” player who prefer to shoot on CVs with AP when they got in range, just to kill their crews…and it’s not really funny for CV player if they loose vets (A medic is also not the 100% solution here). Or the Timewasting people mentioned above.
But it would be a good thing if the XP Gain depends on in which situation you retreat. Out of the hip I would think about something like that :
100% = XP you would gain based on Team att, Personal att and so on. Like it is right now
DPB = Bonus on Teamattack for the enemy Team 1xDPB means 1x the max DP of the ship)

Retreat as last ship = 125% (Bonus for surviving…should also solve a the “Last SS” Problem a bit, maybe for the last 3 ships), 1x DPB
Retreat while own team is loosing (after a fixed time, like premium timer runs out or after XX min) = 100%, 1xDPB
Retreat before the time (see above) or while own team wins, 0%, 2xDPB

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 03. 2012 10:01

I agree mostly, but there are exceptions...

Sometimes I will retreat when I am the only ship on my team vs 10+ other opposing enemy ships. Retreating can expedite the end of the game and allow all of us to start a new one. (change from 1 min to 10 secs)

If I was going to lose my exp for retreating, then I wouldn't and the game would linger on unnecessarily longer than it has to. I do agree that people who start a game and do nothing deserve nothing, yet they still get some exp.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 28. 2012 01:39

Bump and updated, please re-read the original post.

This has been updated so that you still get exp credits and points if you retreat in any room other than CV War rooms to stop the CV Fighter Whore AB'ing.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 30. 2012 14:25

Most time I see people retreat is when all ships are dead but ss...

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 30. 2012 14:54

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Bump and updated, please re-read the original post.

This has been updated so that you still get exp credits and points if you retreat in any room other than CV War rooms to stop the CV Fighter Whore AB'ing.

Even better! I Still get to Troll Retreata when i already lost.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 30. 2012 17:00

Originally Posted by mkzblaster

Most time I see people retreat is when all ships are dead but ss...

There are a number of people that retreat to stop the enemy team gaining their owned exp.

People used to run off the map (before NWO was the map) to do this, but NWO was implemented to stop this.

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 31. 2012 00:38

Personally I don't follow the "make them suffer" motto of suggestions. The vengeful attitude just doesn't have any place in games we try and enjoy. Course I do understand the effect of retreating on the somewhat flawed winning system. I agree, sink the ship, transfer the points, and expedite the process that's good.

But allow them to get their exp if the situation is indeed hopeless, really no point making someone wait if it's inevitable. (now that'll be a pain to figure out). Timer limitations, no retreating before 5min? Had several CVs declare an all retreat and completely forfeit games several times in a row.

From what I understand CV3+ must have bombers aboard for a CV select room no? (I might've missed the point there) SDE seems capable of hitting these requirements, with gun demands, and hedgehogs. Should be a simple protocol check for weight, percentages, ammunition, etc.. But I'll only agree to that on CV maps. Frankly saving the ship, although minor, of repair cost is legit. (do they still repair from creds?)

  • Re : Retreating Changes

    01. 31. 2012 05:22

Originally Posted by Greenwings

Personally I don't follow the "make them suffer" motto of suggestions. The vengeful attitude just doesn't have any place in games we try and enjoy. Course I do understand the effect of retreating on the somewhat flawed winning system. I agree, sink the ship, transfer the points, and expedite the process that's good.

But allow them to get their exp if the situation is indeed hopeless, really no point making someone wait if it's inevitable. (now that'll be a pain to figure out). Timer limitations, no retreating before 5min? Had several CVs declare an all retreat and completely forfeit games several times in a row.

From what I understand CV3+ must have bombers aboard for a CV select room no? (I might've missed the point there) SDE seems capable of hitting these requirements, with gun demands, and hedgehogs. Should be a simple protocol check for weight, percentages, ammunition, etc.. But I'll only agree to that on CV maps. Frankly saving the ship, although minor, of repair cost is legit. (do they still repair from creds?)

Please read the updated suggestion, that should alleviate your concerns.

And you can go into a CV room with 1 bomber aboard and the rest fighters.

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