HA Infomation



  • Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 06:04

Recommend : 2

Since this game rewards leeching more than playing well, i propose to have some sort of bonus for whoever gets the highest attack in a GB room (and maybe expand this to blitz's as well).
Many times it happens that your team completely sucks and you end up getting 1/2 of the total attack while the rest just leech or gets killed doing stupidly low attack. Instead of giving shit exp to the leechers, which $DE will never do, i say we actually reward those who do good.
The bonus could be extra exp/points, extra credits, maybe even a guaranteed item drop (boost/experts/vets).
This might also make some CV's drop some fighters and use more bombers to try and grab the bonus.


  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:30

Yeah didnt have my coffee, but my response to the OP is buried in there, and reprised at the end. They really DONT have it, it would be a nice direct reward for the highest attack, but I don't think we will see it. I would rather they use LJ's idea of rewarding spotting enemies with scouts before this one, since there can really be no attack without sight, at least not for the majority of the dps ship classes. Leeching sight is the worst leeching of all.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:35

I agree this is not perfect. There should be rewards for scouting, for holding the line against higher tier BBs, holding the line while vastly outnumbered, shooting down the bombers that could have killed that criplled BB and so on, but these are impossible to implement. Currently the only way to tell who did good and who didnt is just the attack score at the end of the game (and possibly personal credits if they could be added in the results screen).

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:43

well, the only reason I think the scouting idea might work is that, there seems to be a mechanism to recognize when your plane spots an enemy, since it triggers the audio "enemy ship in sight!". This could also trigger some sort of bonus for the player.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 11:57

Originally Posted by joshmon999

well, the only reason I think the scouting idea might work is that, there seems to be a mechanism to recognize when your plane spots an enemy, since it triggers the audio "enemy ship in sight!". This could also trigger some sort of bonus for the player.

If it were to give a bonus for everytime he said "Enemy Ship in Sight!" then everyone would just be running their scout from north to south trying to get as many of those as possible. That could help but it would make BBs lose their focus and it wouldn't keep the part of the enemy BB line that they are focused on lit up enough.

It would make more sense just to give the bonus to however long an enemy ship is in the LoS of your scouts. So if you were to keep the scout where the enemy ship is at the very tip of it's LoS then it would count as "x" amount of time. But if you were to move it closer to the enemy line and it spots 2 enemy ships it would count as "1.25x" amount of time, and more ships in LoS gives a multiple of the "x" amount, or something like that. But it is kind of obvious that if you put your scout in the middle of a bunch of enemy ships it is more likely to get shot down, therefore stopping the amount of "x" time bonus you would have when it is shot down. It would certainly encourage scouting and it would also help CVs if they did it for fighters. However, if it is going to double the time for seeing more than 1 ship then the "x" shouldn't be an incredibly large bonus.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 12:05

Or maybe something like - Enemy ship within plane (squadron leader for CVs) sight range ---> assign extra whatever to the player controlling said plane.

  • Re : Bonus for the highest-attack-players in GBs

    01. 24. 2012 14:30

we should take this back over to LJ's thread about this very thing and give this thread back to the OP. Sorry man, didnt mean to drag your thread onto another suggestion. You have a good idea, in retrospect, just didn't think it would happen, sorry for being sarcastic earlier, hard habit to break ^^.

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