HA Infomation

U.S Navy


  • BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 05. 2012 04:00


I got a question..


As far as I have experienced, US is so weak in AA ( i am lv 65). I could try to shoot the enemies once to get XP. However, the range of BB1 and BB2 is too short. I mostly can even touch the enemy ships once.

How to level up effectively in these lvls? Or its just normal and i should get along with this :<?


  • Re : BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 16. 2012 14:10


a PBB is easy to get in an event too.


But the Sevastopol won't magically solve your problems.  Yes, it's a much tougher ship.  But the range of it's guns isn't much better (still worse than SoDak or NorCal range) and the odd turret arangement results in terrible shot spreads.  In fact, with at-level gunners you have trouble landing all your shells in the same postal code...

  • Re : BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 21. 2012 11:35


When you feel exhausted and unable to continue through the current line, level a second BO and take the other line, you'll find things much easier as your gunners and (hopefully) support will be at a higher level when the second BO reachs BB1/2.

  • Re : BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 22. 2012 14:39


If you have lots of PHH and good gunners, then sub hunting is a pretty good way to go, although it will NOT get you the skill increase that AA'ing does.

Currently I run a CL equipped with PHH and I've managed to sink 3-4 subs per game, sometimes getting 41k attack off of one IX-D2. With low-level sailors (I'm raising supports) the experience gain is much more than grinding in Blitz or AA'ing. 

  • Re : BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 25. 2012 19:59


Originally Posted by jubdub1

If you have lots of PHH and good gunners, then sub hunting is a pretty good way to go, although it will NOT get you the skill increase that AA'ing does.

Currently I run a CL equipped with PHH and I've managed to sink 3-4 subs per game, sometimes getting 41k attack off of one IX-D2. With low-level sailors (I'm raising supports) the experience gain is much more than grinding in Blitz or AA'ing. 


this is BB playstyle... using PHH only matters for secondary role and self defense purposes, when running a BB1 you should consider making something between 15 to 30k, killing enemy "rushers" DD/CL/CA and hitting a Big BB when chance comes...

on a BB2 you should train up to the point when you can face up a BB4/5... if you pass your grind doing sub-hunting you will not learn anything, and you will be doing not much of a favor to your team.


i personally tested US PBB, but the weird gun management its not nice, in my very own personal opinion i like Colo much more than Sevas


  • Re : BB1, BB2 leveling

    04. 27. 2012 19:51


It was so much more fun to level BB12 in tiered normal rooms. RIP CA/BB12 :(

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