HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Current event and past event failures

    08. 20. 2011 19:27

I have been playing NF for ages now and as strange as it seems this current event seems to be flaud were are the ebb's
ive never recieved one in any event past or present and starting to wonder who or if anyone is getting a ebb during
this event .

 If anyone has got one can u post here to see if there actually being deployed


  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 24. 2011 02:52

Perhaps the greatest failure of this game was the lack of an intermediate playing room that is suitable for players who have gone out of blitz but are not strong enough to last in Great Battle. Most massive multiplayer online games have a difficulty curve that increases with the tier of the player. With NF current difficulty curve there is only blitz (which is relatively easy especially for those in CV1-2 and BB1) and Great Battle/Normal (extremely difficult for everyone who is in a ship that is below tier 4 capital ships unless lower tier players get lucky. If not then they get completely crushed by higher tier capital ship unless those high capital ship players were total noobs). There is just no intermediate level Rooms (between 60 and 88) that is able to give the same amount of credits and XP as Great Battle. If there was an intermediate level Great Battle Style room then this would entice more players who just came out of the Blitz level (60) to stay on in the game and can actually get to be competitive unfortunately a while ago I made a suggestion thread for this type of room some BB6 jocks got upset about this would threaten to take their food away and they started a flame war that eventually close that thread down and it got forgotten and pretty much I stop playing this game


The Olympics were an epic failure as only high tier capital ships were actually able to be competitive. Everyone else did not stand a chance

  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 24. 2011 05:34

i ended up getting 50x smoke for 6 straight games.

>.> whatever will i do with these

  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 24. 2011 06:10

Originally Posted by Emma9

Originally Posted by zanon

and i think it is a great event because u can play BB with out the "wait"

Indeed. I feel that's the best part about the whole event though. Fast starting rooms.

Yeah, we have more CVs and because of the GB1 change it has favored faster games. I do believe that after the CV event ends, GB1s will still make rooms start faster as we don't need CVs to start.

As for the event, there are a lot of people getting items. I haven't received anything, but I'm fine with what I received in the last event.

  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 24. 2011 18:15

Look at the good side that Quick rooms less then 4 mins to fill and if your in a BB faster rooms with more Exp = masive Leveling up... Also if your fine with not earning the change of the drops for Cvs that is soo low its Epic!...

  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 26. 2011 13:21

I'm happy, did the math!

So far, played CV since Last friday, I've won 2780 olives worth of stuff, that's 130$

8x Premium boost sailors
7x (2x 100) experts
7x (10x 20) experts
6x (2x 10) veterans
21x 50 smokes
2x Elite Accuracy Sailor level 12
2x Elite Engineer Sailor level 12

So far.. :D Mind I only started playing right after the previous event :(

  • Re : Current event and past event failures

    08. 26. 2011 13:49

i won a hyuga and drednought i am very happy to be honest but its been like 2 weeks or somethin of playing everyday for a couple of hours (like 8+) and i got 2 but hey im happy^^

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