HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    05. 17. 2020 14:49


Dear Armada Chilena leaders/members: 


Why did you allow your fleet to use exploits in today US harbor HA openly?  This is very disappointing.  Your mambers used out of the map APA to win half of the outer tiles and then out of the border skytrains (sending skytrain out of the north border and across) trying to win the harbor in the first two harbor tile (HT) battles.  I thought that your fleet is better than that. 


I understand that some of you really want the US harbor and feel the need to use the exploits to cheat.  You had around 22 bb in the HT fighting against our 23-25 bb (we had crashes). Did you really need to use exploits?  My fleet actually thought to give the harbor away so we can declare next week.  We just wanted to play a few good battles.  But, against a fleet that used these APA and skytrain exploits openly, most of us were upset, and we decided not to do so.  A fleet that allows members to use these exploits is labeled a "cheating fleet."  We have videos and screen shots and they were sent to GM.  Yes, GM is not doing anything now, but aren't you afraid that some of your more honorable players will leave your fleet once they have realized what your fleet is doing? 


ZGL HA last week at US harbor also used the skytrain exploit (sending skytrain out of the map).  What is going on with the dignity among these fleets in our NF community nowadays?


Below is a screen shot from one of the outer tiles: 



Here are the screen shots from another outer tile from my fleetmate:


Here are the screen shots of the skytrain exploit:



We have videos and more screenshots but I will not post them all here.


  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    05. 28. 2020 11:22


Watch this fragment of an old movie. The wizard helps his favorite football team. Without it, they can't win the match. Does this remind you of anything? :-)

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    05. 28. 2020 11:47


Originally Posted by Xiliki

Watch this fragment of an old movie. The wizard helps his favorite football team. Without it, they can't win the match. Does this remind you of anything? :-)

what on earth is that russian video

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 14. 2020 14:34


Originally Posted by osn3179

Originally Posted by xeloborg89

It seems to me dat you are mad with our fleet.

search on youtube Cry me a river, by Justin timberlake click play and then read your message again.


Mad at your fleet? Are you a fool or are you serious now? What is your fleet like? Not a single tournament won, not one successful harbor attack against a serious rival in the 8 years that I play in the NFNA / NFCHN. What am I mad at? I Angry that Chile, having BB7 in port Hamburg, could not beat a group of BB6 RA? And then used exploit to get the harbor in this way? And then you, who participated in this fraud, write on the forum "send a complaint to technical support." We have sent a complaint, several complaints for several years. We also sent videos and screenshots. But what does it change if one of those who uses the exploit (Kurapika) is moderator of this forum and even personally answers on behalf of technical support (according to statements of det_ka). What does this change if Vinnson ignores all questions about violation of the rules by Omegas players and covers them or avoids answering with formal replies “we will consider your complaint”? Or maybe he thinks that I don’t know how many det_ka paid money for this protection? He is so naive that he admits such a bastard as a det_ka in his environment and has business with him. By fact that det_ka is very boastful and he tells about it.Now he is a member of your fleet and will be engaged in fraud under the flag of Chile, and you are happy about it.

Why am I mad at your fleet? You are losers and are not able to win by the rules of this game, have resorted to the help of scammers from Omegas and the exploit and have become scammers yourself. You are a real fool, if you consider this an achievement of Chilie fleet, because the ability to win does not appear from use exploit.

I am a former Chilean Navy player, in which I no longer have my current account "navixxz" but all my youth I played this beloved game. if perhaps you are right that we never won a tournament, but we played well, I remember a tournament prepared by jedi and nf, which we had everything to win and they screwed up that tournament. just so that jedi and two other fleets will be awarded prizes, I also remember that in many HA there were fleets that used cheat, like RA at the time that I even remember had until penalization at some point, all cheating is unheard of, but do not lose sight of the memories, several players in their fleets have been frowned upon for years by dirty. Sorry for my English

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 15. 2020 20:43


Originally Posted by Cptnavi

I am a former Chilean Navy player, in which I no longer have my current account "navixxz" but all my youth I played this beloved game. if perhaps you are right that we never won a tournament, but we played well, I remember a tournament prepared by jedi and nf, which we had everything to win and they screwed up that tournament. just so that jedi and two other fleets will be awarded prizes, I also remember that in many HA there were fleets that used cheat, like RA at the time that I even remember had until penalization at some point, all cheating is unheard of, but do not lose sight of the memories, several players in their fleets have been frowned upon for years by dirty. Sorry for my English

I know that many decent Chilean players left fleet of bug users under leadership of lindsay and det_ka. I had no purpose to offend ordinary players who do not determine the fleet’s policies and are the victims of two vile bastards leading fleet. Perhaps I was too rude, do not be angry with me.

On the other hand, fighting in a tournament/HA-HD/league and losing in an honest battle is not shameful. All fleets will wash over the experience of defeats and victories, someone more someone less, this is meaning of the game, this is our life. It's just that I am also impressed by the fact that these villains and bug users Omegas/Chile write in discord on behalf of the Chilean fleet. They brag about using exploit. With the help of exploit, they reach harbor and there, like a noobs, having a full BB7 group, they lose to the RA group from BB6. And then they come to discord and forum and say that they are very good players, very skillful, but crash tools prevented them from capturing the harbor. The bastards.

RA never used cheats in battles.

Indeed, there were several players in RA who were blocked for fraud with trading sailors in old trading system. But as far as I know, they did not use hacking, they only discovered a trading system bug and secretly earned a large amount of credits from trading. They were banned for this and are not playing now. Administration of game applied severe punishment to them in accordance with rules. However, today, an entire fleet of Omegas / Chile uses a similar bug to destroy gameplay and attack the harbor. They have been using this for 4 years !!! 4 years old, Karl! But the administration with closed eyes observes a violation of the rules and does not react in any way.

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 07:46


Jugadores decente de flota chile decís? Pregúntales porque sigue jugando con otra cuenta el jugador PININAZ, que si lo buscas en las cuentas baneadas, aparece de por vida no puede entrar. Es fácil hablar de los demás, pero en flota chile tienen dentro de su flota un lindo hacker. Antes de hablar, primero averigua bien osn, porque estás mal informado.

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 08:46

Originally Posted by caminito

Jugadores decente de flota chile decís? Pregúntales porque sigue jugando con otra cuenta el jugador PININAZ, que si lo buscas en las cuentas baneadas, aparece de por vida no puede entrar. Es fácil hablar de los demás, pero en flota chile tienen dentro de su flota un lindo hacker. Antes de hablar, primero averigua bien osn, porque estás mal informado.

Estimado, no lo conozco y tampoco me interesa conocerlo, porque esconderse detrás de una cuenta secundaria para postear en el foro y escribir calumnias sobre otro jugador, te hace ser buen maricon o poco hombre, nadie más que yo se de esa cuenta y su seguimiento, ya que esa cuenta hace años estaba en poder de algún usuario de Armada y el verdadero Pininaz no pudo recuperarla cuando volvimos a reunir a los viejos de FCH, tal cual como pasó con otras cuentas como La cuenta Cliff que satisfactoriamente se pudo recuperar del poder de Armada, si posteaste esta calumnia sabes bien qué pasó con esa cuenta he intentas salvar la reputación de Armada inventando cosas. Saludos.

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 08:54

Originally Posted by caminito

Jugadores decente de flota chile decís? Pregúntales porque sigue jugando con otra cuenta el jugador PININAZ, que si lo buscas en las cuentas baneadas, aparece de por vida no puede entrar. Es fácil hablar de los demás, pero en flota chile tienen dentro de su flota un lindo hacker. Antes de hablar, primero averigua bien osn, porque estás mal informado.

Bueno señor, su comentario de Nene de 8 años refleja muy bien su nivel de narcisismo. El cual es tan grande adjetivo que lleva por nombre. No entiendo el Afán de contaminar y tirar barro a los demás. Si los que están por el suelo en prestigio es su flota. Bueno lo que se llame.

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 08:56


Originally Posted by caminito

Jugadores decente de flota chile decís? Pregúntales porque sigue jugando con otra cuenta el jugador PININAZ, que si lo buscas en las cuentas baneadas, aparece de por vida no puede entrar. Es fácil hablar de los demás, pero en flota chile tienen dentro de su flota un lindo hacker. Antes de hablar, primero averigua bien osn, porque estás mal informado.

Que impresionante pero  penoso es ver como tratas de desviar el foco de la conversacion caminito. Dices que se deben informar antes y por lo que leo tu eres el menos informado, en especial por la cuenta pininaz.  

Tratando de dar explicaciones  tontas de que la flota a la que perteneces  no utiliza  bug ni nada. Pero ya toda la comunidad de este juego sabe que Armada Chilena es  una de las peores flotas del juego ( hablando de ocupar bug etc, hay jugadores buenos y decentes que quedan en su flota). Es por algo que el titulo de este post es Armada Chilena.

It is awesome but disgusting to read how you are trying to  change the  main subjet of this topic caminito.  You said that we all have to inform us better  but  you are the least informed, specially about Pininaz acc.

Trying to give silly explanations  about your fleet and that it is not hacker or not. but all the NF comunity here already knows how  Armada Chilena plays  ( using hacks or bugs, we can make exceptions for  few players there who play fairly) that is the main reasson wthy this topic is startid with Armada Chilena  and no other fleet name.



  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 09:21


Originally Posted by whitegoli

Originally Posted by Hawk010

Originally Posted by whitegoli

simple rule, then dont play against them.

What a dumb mindset. Try reading again before you completely miss the point once more. 

The problem also is that these exploits have been in use for quite a while, with no comment from any of the GM's about it. Pretty sad to be honest. 


point stil stands. dont play against them


one way to destroy a fleet is by not giving them a battle

They clearly don't want a battle or they wouldn't be cheating. They want the harbor, at any cost.

  • Re : Armada Chilena: Why did you allow your players to use HA exploits?

    06. 16. 2020 10:19


Originally Posted by caminito

Jugadores decente de flota chile decís? Pregúntales porque sigue jugando con otra cuenta el jugador PININAZ, que si lo buscas en las cuentas baneadas, aparece de por vida no puede entrar. Es fácil hablar de los demás, pero en flota chile tienen dentro de su flota un lindo hacker. Antes de hablar, primero averigua bien osn, porque estás mal informado.

Ya dan pena, tratando de desviar la atención mientras en este foro los tildan de flota bug, "bastardos", etc. En el discord, vinnson mandan a callar a su lider por hostigador y andar ofreciendo golpes fuera del juego, ahi mismo tambien han mostrado en video las "tacticas" de ocupar el borde bugeado de ustedes. Dentro del mismo juego distintos jugadores que ni conozco o recuerdo de ya 3 flotas distintas me han dicho de que bueno que se formó Flota Chile, que dejamos de lado la flota de "cheaters, tramposos, bastardos".

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