HA Infomation



  • Replace Locals with Jets

    09. 14. 2011 04:40

Recommend : 2

Nakajima Kikka  Max. speed 962 km/h

RN :
Gloucester Meteor  Max. speed 730 km/h

Bell P-59 Airacomet  Max. speed 840 km/h

Horton 229  Max. speed 960 km/h
Bomber Arado AR-234V8 Max. speed 865 km/h

Lavochkin La-152  Max. speed 740 km/h

Reggiane Re.2007 Max.  speed 750 km/h

Dassault Ouragan Max.  speed 950 km/h

Search function Jets = ok;jets for all nation = balance.Thx
All loclas is born to landing CV to keep balance all Jets is bornship.
Catapult steam is avaible for fictionary: CV5,PCV and CV6.
All Jets is avaiable in touch of lvl 120.normal fuel of T4.


  • Re : Replace Locals with Jets

    10. 02. 2011 12:11

Originally Posted by leaderwolf

one of forbidden words for NF :

its not forbidden. Stop trying to act as a victim of the big bad NF community.

Its simply not applicable, RL wise and balane wise for WWII.

  • Re : Replace Locals with Jets

    10. 02. 2011 12:31

And perhaps your ideas would be more acceptable if the "Big Bad nf community could actually understand what you were saying?

just an idea.

  • Re : Replace Locals with Jets

    10. 02. 2011 13:58

Originally Posted by Rick5000

*Cough* so they had jets in WW2? Never seen that.....
Lets also make nuclear shells with a blast radius of one screen.

Rick did you get a F in history?
Germany was the first country to have jet fighters exampel me262

This site have theres wrong but the most of this jets did lift from the ground and got used really really late in the war:

  • Re : Replace Locals with Jets

    10. 02. 2011 15:10

Ok, first of all: Jets could be just a change in the sprite for locals. That Only means THE SPRITE, not buffing them (If he means that then it could be interesting, but mainly because of the feeling you get when you see something different).

Second: I couldn't help it, but I feelt that the OP was talking in Engrish, therefore I imagined the guy in his avatar image saying "ROROROROROROROR CHINA STRONG" after all his posts.
(No, I have absolutely nothing against Chinese or asian people, it is just that I read that line from a Polandball comic)

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