HA Infomation



  • Jet Fighters Time maybe???

    10. 16. 2011 11:07

Recommend : 5

Dont u think guys that jet fighters should be introduced to the game???Maybe its time for T5 planes and those planes could be jets
After all history tells us that some jet  fighters were created AND used in the WWII.MAybe some of u think its a bad idea i think i would love
to have on Carrier some jets 
Also why not arm the Tier 3s and 4s fighters with rockets???So that they can attack the ships as well.
Of course the dmg should not be high but rockets were used too in WWII. 
Also multiple bombs  on DBs like when u have multiple shells on cannons shounds like something good


  • Re : Jet Fighters Time maybe???

    12. 30. 2011 03:42

NF=/=Real for buf BBs project = not comment
NF=/=Real to cut submarines stuff = ........crap
NF=/=Real to buf HH all nation =.......crap
NF=/=Real for new Jets project?= logical next step

Sure we can more,balance is never exist in any war ww2 or not after maybe.
Do you turn head when you see jets fly up to dream or down scared?

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