HA Infomation



  • Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 20. 2011 06:46

According to the NTC, Colonel Gaddafi is dead.


  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 09:20

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by topsecret123

its just murder so the usa is not better then houssin and cadaffie the only hit small countrys if the can win the attack them china korea they dont dear to attack so my oppinion is that amirka is the toerist this from a guy who lifes in europe al;l the erupe poeple thinks like that amrika the think the are great that the can rule the world well they number 1 in destroying it look ad it how many poeple died irak afganistan libie vietnam what did it bring only dead but china can murder for free also korea so on my oppin help whit the mony that the give out for the war to poeple who dont have food or salter then your great in my eyes not now

You should just check off the attendance calender and go log into the game because this makes no sense.


  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 09:25

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by SSwrath

Yes bush are the head of evil people in the world.

iam from Iraq but thanks to Bush i had to leave my country because he destroyed Iraq totally and they are still doing that.

did you know guys that after the Americans occupied Iraq they left the borders open for 6 MONTHS!!!!! do you know what that means? that means that millions of Al-Qaida went in Iraq and no one could stop them.

i didn't have even the slightest idea what Al-Qaida was untill after the Americans occupied my coutry and they brought it with them.

and guys fell free to ask me more info on Iraq war because in april 2003 i was in Baghdad as i used to live their.

and believe me all of you even those who thinks american army is good and they are helping Iraq. THEY ARE NOT HELPING they are destroying Iraq even while we are speaking they are doing that.

Typically I don't get involved in politics in NF but I couldn't help but respond to this post. First of all, I would like to remind everyone that Saddam Hussien and "Chemical" Ali used poison gas to kill thousands of Iraqi citizens in Kurdistan. If that isn't enough, he also sowed land mines in their fields, deforested their forests, and destroyed a crap ton of their towns and villages. I was in Iraq too and I saw the after effects of what Saddam did. There is well documented evidence that this occurred by 3rd party independent news sources. The second thing I would point out is that after the invasion of Kuwait in 1991 we recovered munitions and stores of chemical weapons from the Republican Guard. So to say that were were never any weapons of mass destruction is inaccurate.

If killing a few thousand Kurds with nerve agent and ruining the countryside wasn't enough, in his spare time Saddam raised two evil sons. Uday, in particular was amazingly brutal. I too was in Baghdad and I observed several small huts. I didn't know what they were until the IA there told me that when Uday was cruising the streets if he saw a woman he wanted to screw, his guards would take her to the palace. If she didn't sleep with Uday, he'd put her in one of these huts in 120 degree heat with no food or water until either she died or complied. Many of them were young teens or married. He simply didn't care. Here is a nice link to some of Uday's other hobbies as the head of the sports commision:,8599,444889,00.html

I also was at Abu Graib. Yea, what the idiot soldiers did there was bad, but that was nothing compared to what we found from the Saddam's "intelligence officer". In my army an intelligence officer is someone that collects pictures, eyewitness statements, reports from units and compiles them into briefings for his commander. In Saddam's army an intelligence officer in someone that tortures people into confessions. We got this guy with pictures of his victims, tools he used to do his job and even field manuals on the "how to" torture. The wall inside the prison were all painted green but when we started cleaning we realized they were actually covered in blood and the paint was used to hide it. Saddam also had a round robbin set up where they would shoot prisoners in the head, have other prisoners carry the bodies to a massive incenerator and throw them in. Then those guys would get shot in the head and it would cycle again.

Saddam was no kind person in any sense of the word. What I saw was he was the second coming of Adolf Hitler. Iraqis I talked to were relieved he was gone. I was there in 2005 when Iraq had its first election and although Iraqi Army were protecting the polls we were close by if they needed help. I saw all those people putting their purple covered finger in the air and those people were VERY grateful for George Bush. For the first time ever they had a say in their government.

I had to laugh at the comment on we left the borders open and millions of Al Quida came through in the first 6 months. LOL what kind of drugs are you on? They were already there! The citizens of the local villages directed us to enclaves where Al Quida operatives had been there since Saddam invited them in 1997. They were brutal and evil. My unit got in a big firefight with some from Saudia Arabia and Syria as well as Iran and we killed them. I have no remorse about that what so ever. AND the Iraqi Army that fought with us in the fight were pretty glad to see them go. Also the people of the city who had been dealing with 7 years of outsiders brutalizing them were happy they were dead. Maybe one citizen in Baghdad didn't know Al Quida was in their country but there were quite a few others that all seemed to know.

In fact, when I was stationed with an Armored Cavalry Regiment on the Iranian border, the biggest problem was that the Iraqi border guards were corrupt and were taking bribes. The Iraqi police even arrested a corrupt border guard colonel and he ended up in our custody. I also laughed at "millions" of Al Quida. Even at its height and when heavily reinforced by the mahdi militia, the insurgency never had more than ten thousand.

If that isn't enough, I saw civil affairs units bringing supplies to schools, I saw engineers building police stations. I saw an american army base providing good paying jobs to Iraqis every day: interpeturs, truck drivers, bazaar vendors, janitors to name a few. None of those people would have a dam thing for work if it wasn't for USA help. I SAW Saddam's palaces in Tikrit and Baghdad. In fact, he had one in every city with giant marble collums. I saw a chandelier made out of diamonds that was bigger than my living room. Yea, America has its rich and poor but we don't have the majority of the people living in mud huts while ONE dictator has 18 houses valued at 10 million each.

No, not everything that George Bush did was perfect. Also with half a million American soldiers I expect that some of them did some bad things too. I know they did. But nothing was ANYTHING like what Saddam and his croninies did. I was there too just like you and I know that we have done the right thing. Don't try to snowball the people on here because I'm not the only one that's been to Iraq. There are quite a few of us in these forums.

dude you totally missunderstood me. iam not like you an outsider who went to Iraq of course only those people who betrayed Iraq will be nice to you and thank you and thank Bush for what he did.

But for me, I AM AND ACTUAL IRAQI CITIZEN WHO WAS BORN IN 1990 IN BAGHDAD AL-AADAMYIA IF YOU KNOW WHERE THAT IS. So when i say that americans are bad it is because iam a patriot and i like my country and i hate all those who occupy it and those who call themselves Iraqi's and in control now of the government.

of course you say that you saw american engineers build police stations and so on it is because of publicity so that people like you would go back to America and say that the army is good and the army is helping the Iraqi people and so on.

and I tell you, all this is BULLSHIT. america didn't occupy Iraq to ''free' us from saddam, America occupied us to free our oil from us and liberate it to themselves.

can you tell me why untill now the valves of the southern and middle Iraq's oil fields are non stop open to fill the ships so that this oil will go to the america's oil fields and be pumped back in them. ISN'T that STEALING?

or is it a price for the stupid "freedom" they so gratefully and out of good deed gave us to "free" us from Saddam?

DO NOT get me wrong here i hate Saddam's guts because as you said he is a BAD BAD BAd man in fact he wasn't even a human i think he is an animal but wouldn't be great and smart of America to help us the people like what they did in Libya so that we could through saddam from power?

but noooooooo

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 11:04

Originally Posted by SSwrath

dude you totally missunderstood me. iam not like you an outsider who went to Iraq of course only those people who betrayed Iraq will be nice to you and thank you and thank Bush for what he did.

But for me, I AM AND ACTUAL IRAQI CITIZEN WHO WAS BORN IN 1990 IN BAGHDAD AL-AADAMYIA IF YOU KNOW WHERE THAT IS. So when i say that americans are bad it is because iam a patriot and i like my country and i hate all those who occupy it and those who call themselves Iraqi's and in control now of the government.

of course you say that you saw american engineers build police stations and so on it is because of publicity so that people like you would go back to America and say that the army is good and the army is helping the Iraqi people and so on.

and I tell you, all this is BULLSHIT. america didn't occupy Iraq to ''free' us from saddam, America occupied us to free our oil from us and liberate it to themselves.

can you tell me why untill now the valves of the southern and middle Iraq's oil fields are non stop open to fill the ships so that this oil will go to the america's oil fields and be pumped back in them. ISN'T that STEALING?

or is it a price for the stupid "freedom" they so gratefully and out of good deed gave us to "free" us from Saddam?

DO NOT get me wrong here i hate Saddam's guts because as you said he is a BAD BAD BAd man in fact he wasn't even a human i think he is an animal but wouldn't be great and smart of America to help us the people like what they did in Libya so that we could through saddam from power?

but noooooooooo because that will not give them the total control over OUR OIL!!!!


people do not hear only your side of the story go out and ask people for their sitaution and what happened to them after the occupation.

I mean i myself why am i in Sweden and not in my country? why i had to leave my country? ask yourself this, why people are afarid to go back?

because america put the wrong people in charge of Iraq and if we go back (like myself they will kill me and my family just like what they did to my older brother and my uncle)

so please please ask and investigate more about what you hear in the news because i think most of it are wrong and biased.

and for you who was in Iraq and planing to go back to Iraq go outside your camps and talk to people and i mean people because iam pretty sure you guys will be surprised about what you will hear and your opinions will changed.

oh and AL-Qaida wasn't there at all but the American army made them inter by leaving the borders open.

and again iam an Iraqi citizen so i know better than you

OH and by the way your argument is totally in invalid for the simple fact that your are the occupier and so makes you arguying totally worthless. What you gonna say that your bad and you did horrible job occupying Iraq of course not!!!!

and if you didn't see the horrible stuff that your army and the mercinaries did, it is either you are one of those who did those horrible stuff and killed innocent people or you didn't see and your government had you fooled by making you see some little good stuff that wouldn't make good for the entire popualtion of Iraq.

can you tell me after 8 years of occupying Iraq what America did to repair the infrastructure? did they repar the major electricity problem for instance? did they repair the water problems?

nooooooooo the only thing that they could do is fly B52's from their baese in Europe for 8 hours and bomb Iraq but they can't bring extra generators to give constant electricity for the poor people who live in a temperature of 50 celsius and have no electricity only for 5-6 hours per 24 hours.

so please go and learn about this subject more before you start talking

No, I completely understand you. So you hated Saddam. Great. What did your people do to get rid of him? Nothing. He invaded and attacked other countries and supported attacks on terrorist on my country. I could understand if Iraqis couldn't overthrow their own evil leader and needed help. that is exactly what we did. How about "Thanks America for having a couple thousand of your soldiers die for our freedom". The problem I have with you is that we fought for our freedom. Americans died in our war of independce. Yes, France came in at the end and helped. But we fought for us. So here WE are DYING for YOUR freedom and we are the bad guys.

Oh, yes, you lived in Bagdad and left in 2003. Well guess what, I've been there since you've been gone. And guess what, I've talked to other Iraqi citizens who are the ones that told me the terrorist that we killed had been there since 1997. So YES I do know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I hate to shatter your pre-convieved notions, but don't blame Iraq's leaky border on the US from 8 years ago. Blame the corrupt border agents that were taking bribes.

Have you seen the depression that my country is in? Do you think that we want to spend millions of dollars rebuilding your country when we have problems at home? No, but we do. I laugh at your comments that rebuilding schools and providing assistance to Iraqis doesn't happen. We've spent hundreds of millions. I watched it with my own two eyes. You sitting safely in Sweden and saying that Americans aren't doing anything in Iraq while I watched it happen is just unbelievable. You said we don't do anything for their infrastructure. The hell we don't. I saw power lines going up and I saw roads being paved and bridges being fixed. All of the labor was Iraqis being paid for with american $$$$ to help them out.

"oh and I'm an Iraqi citizen so I know better than you"

That is just totally comical. I could careless what country anyone is from. What I care about is truth. You are mad at blackwater. Fine I hate them too. You are mad that there is a war in your country. Guess what I don't want to be in a war in your country either, but you fail to understand facts that are explained to you. I wrote as detailed post as I could on the open internet and you didn't seem to grasp that there are things that you may be wrong about.

You need to think also about your claims that America invaded Iraq for oil. Have you seen the oil prices since the war lol? We have been through multiple crisis. If we were taking all the oil out of Iraq don't you think that the market would be a bit flooded?

What is this "the people we put in charge of Iraq". The people in charge of Iraq are the elected officials. I was there during the first and second elections, were you? I also find it ironic that out of all your argument, the reason that this is still continuing is because we keep trying to leave but your own Iraqi army is begging us to stay and fight for them, after 7 years of training and preparation. Don't tell me its because of numbers either, as the Iraqi Army by itself far outnumbers the insurgents. Toss in the numbers for Iraqi police and you outnumber them something like 30 to 1.

Don't tell me that I need to go out and see Iraq myself. I did. Obviously you aren't reading my post very well. Did I cry? Yes I did. Do I want to ever see a little girl dead or people who had nothing to do with anything killed? Of course I don't. You lost relatives, for that I'm sorry. I have also lost people that are close to me, however I try to remain objective and factual about issues in Iraq. Please show me something to support your claims, especially the claims that America is raiding your country of all its oil.

The bottom line for this entire line of argument comes down to a few simple points that I have already referenced above and you

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 11:13

Originally Posted by Piombo

we Occupy Foreign Lands the same way as Nazi Occupiers

Its outrageous statements like this that make it impossible to every come to sensible understanding with people like you. Americans didn't send 6 million Jews to the gas chambers. Don't even start with "we killed millions" in Iraq, a country of only 18 million. Show some data. We didn't cut off people's skin and turn it into lampshades, rip out gold teeth, turn an entire countinent into a slave labor camp, or start a world war that ended with a low estimate of 48 million dead.

Yea, war is terrible. Yes a handful of bad people have done bad things but nothing this world has ever seen will come close to the Nazi terrors of WW2. I believe that americans that commit criminal acts in Iraq and Afghanistan should be punished. However to compare that to the occupation of europe is an insult to the good people as well as an insult to common sense.

Originally Posted by Piombo

its isnt the peoples fault but the must share the blame as the Germans of WW2 did for there Governments actions .

This is a beauty right here. So for the last ten year Americans are clamoring for an end to the war and yet somehow its their fault that they couldn't stop the government? This is the same type of statement that terrorist use when justifying attacks on civilians. This entire line of thinking is completely irrational.

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 11:27

Originally Posted by Lionel2

No, I completely understand you. So you hated Saddam. Great. What did your people do to get rid of him? Nothing. He invaded and attacked other countries and supported attacks on terrorist on my country. I could understand if Iraqis couldn't overthrow their own evil leader and needed help. that is exactly what we did. How about "Thanks America for having a couple thousand of your soldiers die for our freedom". The problem I have with you is that we fought for our freedom. Americans died in our war of independce. Yes, France came in at the end and helped. But we fought for us. So here WE are DYING for YOUR freedom and we are the bad guys.

Oh, yes, you lived in Bagdad and left in 2003. Well guess what, I've been there since you've been gone. And guess what, I've talked to other Iraqi citizens who are the ones that told me the terrorist that we killed had been there since 1997. So YES I do know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I hate to shatter your pre-convieved notions, but don't blame Iraq's leaky border on the US from 8 years ago. Blame the corrupt border agents that were taking bribes.

Have you seen the depression that my country is in? Do you think that we want to spend millions of dollars rebuilding your country when we have problems at home? No, but we do. I laugh at your comments that rebuilding schools and providing assistance to Iraqis doesn't happen. We've spent hundreds of millions. I watched it with my own two eyes. You sitting safely in Sweden and saying that Americans aren't doing anything in Iraq while I watched it happen is just unbelievable. You said we don't do anything for their infrastructure. The hell we don't. I saw power lines going up and I saw roads being paved and bridges being fixed. All of the labor was Iraqis being paid for with american $$$$ to help them out.

"oh and I'm an Iraqi citizen so I know better than you"

That is just totally comical. I could careless what country anyone is from. What I care about is truth. You are mad at blackwater. Fine I hate them too. You are mad that there is a war in your country. Guess what I don't want to be in a war in your country either, but you fail to understand facts that are explained to you. I wrote as detailed post as I could on the open internet and you didn't seem to grasp that there are things that you may be wrong about.

You need to think also about your claims that America invaded Iraq for oil. Have you seen the oil prices since the war lol? We have been through multiple crisis. If we were taking all the oil out of Iraq don't you think that the market would be a bit flooded?

What is this "the people we put in charge of Iraq". The people in charge of Iraq are the elected officials. I was there during the first and second elections, were you? I also find it ironic that out of all your argument, the reason that this is still continuing is because we keep trying to leave but your own Iraqi army is begging us to stay and fight for them, after 7 years of training and preparation. Don't tell me its because of numbers either, as the Iraqi Army by itself far outnumbers the insurgents. Toss in the numbers for Iraqi police and you outnumber them something like 30 to 1.

Don't tell me that I need to go out and see Iraq myself. I did. Obviously you aren't reading my post very well. Did I cry? Yes I did. Do I want to ever see a little girl dead or people who had nothing to do with anything killed? Of course I don't. You lost relatives, for that I'm sorry. I have also lost people that are close to me, however I try to remain objective and factual about issues in Iraq. Please show me something to support your claims, especially the claims that America is raiding your country of all its oil.

The bottom line for this entire line of argument comes down to a few simple points that I have already referenced above and you might want to go back and read again:

1) Since 1997 the people we now call insurgents were already in Iraq
2) The Iraqi people were being repressed by a madman that needed to be removed
3) The USA removed the madman and an unfortunate war ensued
4) The Iraqi army has had since 2004 (seven full years) to build itself and take over control of their country.

If the Iraqi people and their army were united, instead of fighting between Kurds, Sunni and Shia then you would be in much better shape. How about instead of blaming everything on everyone else, your countrymen take some ownership of the current problems.

dude i left Iraq in 2006 after my uncle and older brother got killed bu the militia which your stupid army let them in after they left the borders open for 6 months after their occupation. and note that when i say 6 months the borders were open i mean exactly after the war have ended not later. and that vacanicy lead AL-Qaida and militias from Iraq to enter Iraq

second of all i was their in the first elections and we did elect people that were right for the position but your corrupt, biased government didn't want Ayad AL-Alawy to be president. and he was the right for it BTW.

and they did that in the elections 2 years ago where i was able to go and vote for Ayad Al-Alawy but again your biased and stupid government didn't want him to be presinted.

so where is that democracy? oh and if your country is in depression well i hope for more depression for you guys and i wouldn one tear for you guys as all what is happening to you guys is KARMA and i hope you will pay more and more for what you did in IRAQ.

and when you say that your evil army built stuff in Iraq i tell you one thing. BULLSHIT. as i will never expect anything good from AMerica and as i said earlier i hope you guys suffer more and more of deppresion and be miserable as you deserve it.

but to all of you let me be clear here:


and lionel if you are one of those who support bush then you need help.

and this will be my last post on this matter because when i left Iraq in 2006 i swore to never enter arguments regarding my country's occupation because it is furstrating and i will meet so many jerks who just want guns to kill people and doesn't think about the people that they are killing.

and lionel when you have a family member killed as a consequence of a mad, evil, fucked up president (George Bush) then you will know how i feel now and why i talk like this.

i will never thank America for a terrible and stupid actions such as occupying my country. as i see american army and the evil government as an evil forces who want to destroy everything and keep the good stuff for itself.

and believe me when i say this i want to go back and when i see a good opportunity i will go back and help my country to build up again and kick the american evil army out of my country and end their horrible presence in my country, those sadists soldiers who know nothing but killing poor Iraqi people.

sswrath out

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 21. 2011 12:03

Originally Posted by Lionel2

Originally Posted by Piombo

we Occupy Foreign Lands the same way as Nazi Occupiers

Its outrageous statements like this that make it impossible to every come to sensible understanding with people like you. Americans didn't send 6 million Jews to the gas chambers. Don't even start with "we killed millions" in Iraq, a country of only 18 million. Show some data. We didn't cut off people's skin and turn it into lampshades, rip out gold teeth, turn an entire countinent into a slave labor camp, or start a world war that ended with a low estimate of 48 million dead.

Yea, war is terrible. Yes a handful of bad people have done bad things but nothing this world has ever seen will come close to the Nazi terrors of WW2. I believe that americans that commit criminal acts in Iraq and Afghanistan should be punished. However to compare that to the occupation of europe is an insult to the good people as well as an insult to common sense.

Originally Posted by Piombo

its isnt the peoples fault but the must share the blame as the Germans of WW2 did for there Governments actions .

This is a beauty right here. So for the last ten year Americans are clamoring for an end to the war and yet somehow its their fault that they couldn't stop the government? This is the same type of statement that terrorist use when justifying attacks on civilians. This entire line of thinking is completely irrational.

for 1 being compared to Nazi Occupation has nothing to do with Ethnic Cleansing or Eugenics and Yes We can put a stop to any thing as a mass population of ppl that a oppose this war we have the right to over throw or throw out any one in our Government that is our duty as Civilians but like i said we share the blame with the Government like the German People of WW2 did nothing to Stop Hitler were doing nothing to stop our Government and its Leaders so in that how can anyone blame our Leaders its the People who have put them there and allow them to further Corrupt our System and place more control over us striping our selves of our own Freedoms

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 22. 2011 05:03

This thread got retarded pretty quick.

  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 22. 2011 18:46

politics are cool...


  • Re : Gaddafi is dead.

    10. 22. 2011 22:19


We're leaving by the end of the year, enjoy. It'll go downhill like when we left Vietnam soon after. Except instead of Communism, another dictator, terrorist or both.

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