HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 28. 2011 02:53

 heya guys just wondering what u think about the awsome prices of this event like   experts +10 x2(20) or vets +1 x2(2) like are u serious?? its that a price?   ...  like u have to win 10 times to get a pack :S  i better would like exp boost than this joke prizes


  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 31. 2011 04:46

come on be serious...
playng sice 4 days..
didnt even get a single item...

what a great event, but YES; item drops are random .. haha

guys, don't be too generous.. it maybe hurts.

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 31. 2011 17:58

What I got with gold:

4 elite acc gunner
2 elite rel gunner
1 elite bomber
1 elite repairer
20 vets
20 experts

cry some more

btw Thanks SDE for the great event

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 31. 2011 22:57

Only 10X2 Exp.

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 31. 2011 23:24

Guys, don't even think about having any chance of winning anything unless you can deal either lots of damage or shoot down a crap load of aircrafts. Also to increase the chances of winning, stay for at least 5 mins or if you really really think this is going to work (Maybe), stay till the end of the battle. (Besides, you get more exp). On my first battle in my essex i won a pair Elite ACC Gunners. And then onto my SY, won another Elite FP. all this happened in UNDER 30 mins. And then i got fed up with the CVs or something so i left for the day. Came back the next day and i won again another pair of ACC gunners in my SY, and a Elite Rep with my essex jus today. Even back then when i was a CL and wat not i knew i didn't have a chance in events. So here's a heads up, you want to win prizes in the future? Start grinding your crew and your skills up (You can't win prizes if you only have 100k att, will need more than that ;) ]

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    10. 31. 2011 23:37

1 Elite Restorer
1 Elite Fighter
2 Elite Reloads
2 Vet 1x2

Wish i could have gotten me some 2K Experten packs...

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    11. 01. 2011 01:44

it was a trick

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    11. 01. 2011 01:47

1 pot
4 ac gun
3 rep
1 rest
exp pack 100 x 20
nice event

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    11. 01. 2011 01:57

4 pot
3 bomber
1 FP
6k experts and 2 vets.
Great evert SDE

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    11. 01. 2011 02:21

u guys are not getting the point ...... my point is if ur not a player who plays more than 4 hours/day then u rarely going to got any prize and if u do u got a chance to get this shittys +1 vets x2 or this experts +10 x2 whats its really annoying..... i mean ,, i know many of u just got too many prizes and awsomes drops etc but few others just didnt got anything and the event was pretty much worthless for them..... im wondering why we just didnt kept with the past events rate and the normal drops it make it much more fair that the past horrowing event....

  • Re : Awsome prices for this horrowing event

    11. 01. 2011 02:44

So you play for just item? We play as usual and item was a bonus. We are not asked to do anything
different, sailors still get exp, you get wins and losses. If there is an item at the end that's great. If not
then no different than the game starting from today. What's the big deal? I think it's best for SDE to just
stop item drops. I enjoy the free item but seeing these types of posts make me so angry I would trade
item events for people to stop complaining.

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