HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • does friendly shelling kill friendly landing forces?

    03. 28. 2014 15:19


I drop airlift forces on islands but Friendly BBs shell the heck out of the island at the same
time.    It seems as if my airlift forces stop doing damage if this happens.    It almost seems as if the airlift forces are killed by friendly fire.    

Or do airlift forces just do some damage and you need to drop additional waves?

Does anyone know for sure?


  • Re : does friendly shelling kill friendly landing forces?

    03. 28. 2014 15:31


Landing Forces and Paratroopers act like ordinance such as torpedos and shells.

Each object delivered to the correct area deals damage, once dropped, they are impossible to stop (Except maybe if you sink the APA or CV, Its been awhile since I've seen one killed while dropping paratroopers or landing forces. It may act like planes and disappear when they die, or they may continue.)

The damage dealt per individual object (Individual Paratrooper, Marine/Soldier, or tank) is based on the true ability of the sailor the object belongs to.

Just like shells can't hit other shells in mid air, shells can't damage paratroopers or landing forces. 

  • Re : does friendly shelling kill friendly landing forces?

    03. 28. 2014 21:06


At level forces do very little damage (like 3" gun amount) 

  • Re : does friendly shelling kill friendly landing forces?

    03. 29. 2014 06:23



Just built landing forces for occupation mode.   They are at low 30s lvl with very few experts and a few vets from "rolls" so TA is low.     Just have to get them to higher lvls.