HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • win lose desync

    07. 06. 2014 13:08


We have been told that the win/lose desync has been fixed. However, I still meet a couple of games with strange results. 

e.g. one game, my team killed all the opposite team except an escort ecl, we lost the game.
I've also got a few wins with very low team damage. This cannot be approved but in general case it wouldn't be a lost on 200k team damge after 5 minutes. 

Also the sailor death rate has been increased? 

Looks like so many hiden things are happening lol. 


  • Re : win lose desync

    07. 06. 2014 13:25


after this last (desync win/lose fix) patch - there are a lot of GAME desync during the real fights. It was fixed somehow (not so long ago i was very happy to see only the crashings as main NF problems during HAs) but now it is back 100%.

If u don't believe me - try yourself some fleet actions. The desyncs are in different ways: in ships but much often are in planes - the CVs screams in TS - "guys we SEE ANYTHING" while the nooBBs are about to type usual (CV noobs) because they see a !@#$... Use some bombers ingame and will see also how some bombed (to death) enemies remains alive at your teamate's  screens. Look at your teamates carefuly- if they go in same direction for long time that means they are also playing in their matrix and probably have 1kkk attack dmg done already.
During the GB u see a lot of crashing people at the end of your battle ??? the answer is simple - all of them have played their own games and u was one of them.

I'll repeat again - better than any talk: do some tests with 15-20 guys in same TS room with using every standrart fight situations (torpers, bombers, mines etc). Kill the planes... kill the ships and compare results.

  • Re : win lose desync

    07. 06. 2014 14:11


Originally Posted by ajb7988

Just because you sink the other team doesn't mean you have won the game. If they get more attack than you, they can win.

cruel but simple said: Personally I, don't give a sh1t about who won or lost (on the result screens).  A lot of VS ALLs are ending with lose when your fleet is sinking the last enemy - noone are unhappy about it - only the real result matters.

It matters for me mostly the HA or Fleet Battle tile ending (there is no XP or win/lose counting to your statistics). While we will have different realities for several players on those important rooms - the game is not playable. 

  • Re : win lose desync

    07. 07. 2014 09:08


Originally Posted by andykorso

Originally Posted by ajb7988

Just because you sink the other team doesn't mean you have won the game. If they get more attack than you, they can win.

cruel but simple said: Personally I, don't give a sh1t about who won or lost (on the result screens).  A lot of VS ALLs are ending with lose when your fleet is sinking the last enemy - noone are unhappy about it - only the real result matters.

It matters for me mostly the HA or Fleet Battle tile ending (there is no XP or win/lose counting to your statistics). While we will have different realities for several players on those important rooms - the game is not playable. 

Yes, that's the point. I used to use a FF won a HA room. I was the only ship on my side in the room, there was a QV on the opposite. I was sunk by him and still won the tile.