HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Can u at least STOP LYING?

    09. 20. 2014 15:37


I remember countless number of events and for sure these exps are not even closely touching 250% of what it gave in events before with same said number...


  • Re : Can u at least STOP LYING?

    09. 20. 2014 21:41


works fine for me, got 50 to 60k xp on my at lvl crewed Iowa with 70k atk, 20-25k without the event and im not on prem

  • Re : Can u at least STOP LYING?

    09. 21. 2014 04:32


Pity none of these XP boosts do diddly squat for sub XP. 20k for a win is flat out insulting, and that's AFTER whatever boosts we do get with over 100k attack and no TK.

  • Re : Can u at least STOP LYING?

    09. 21. 2014 09:20


Originally Posted by Vawlkus

Pity none of these XP boosts do diddly squat for sub XP. 20k for a win is flat out insulting, and that's AFTER whatever boosts we do get with over 100k attack and no TK.

"...and that's the beauty of the system"

Pity the poor submariners with low XP.  You assume it isn't designed that way on purpose.  The beauty of the system is it denies XP to subs specifically because the gods don't want you to play with a sub.  They de-incentivize it intentionally.  

Of course, you could also argue that the blatant give aways to the other ship classes is designed to keep them happy.  If BB XP was the same as subs, then the whiner class would be off doing something graduating from college.