HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Why is there not a TK penalty for planes?

    12. 09. 2014 16:25


I just saw an idiot Moltke shoot down 10 of my fighters for 1 scout. It seems like a easy fix. When this happens I just retreat. This has been happening for years, and yet no fix. Theres a TK penalty for ships, yet nothing for planes. 10 fighters cost 3-5k creds.


  • Re : Why is there not a TK penalty for planes?

    12. 10. 2014 01:25


 Because quite often they are floating mindlessly around, dogfighting where they shoudn't - above friendly ships? Not advocating shooting down own team's planes, but sometimes it's better to kill some than to let them provide cover for a scout that's fooling them around till it runs out of fuel. Better for the team that is, which is more important compared to better for the planes owner.

 Ofc there are ppl who just don't care. You come up with a way to tell which case it is and only then you ask for a penalty. After all, it's your job to keep your planes from anything that could harm them, friendly fire included.

 And kudos for the great teamplay - retreating   :S

  • Re : Why is there not a TK penalty for planes?

    12. 10. 2014 11:52


Ur 10 fts can't event kill 1 scout plane...

If the moltke was me, I'd do it too...

I agree with unterb0tese;

Bring the aerial fight to them, not on top of our BBs...


  • Re : Why is there not a TK penalty for planes?

    12. 10. 2014 13:04


as bb player , aaw , cv . I have passed these things. I never complain of this,  if kill me a plane ,
some players, the misuse of the aircraft when only sends for send and no attention is paid .

if you do not move their pilots, aaw this close will surely kill them for trying to kill one, two , three,etc. enemy aircraft ? if possible I also would. 

maybe someday learn to open their eyes and intercept enemy aircraft before that they are near ur team,  and not be in the line of his team