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  • As a general rule

    03. 21. 2011 12:49


Everyone can feel bad about CVs getting so much blame and abuse but these three fine
examples brand everyone with the same brush.

The IJN and USN CVs sat at the spawn loading 8 local fighters or bombers on one pilot. The
UK PCV went to the north boarder to be gunned down last. None of them could be bothered
going south and none of them could be bothered to either scout or shoot down enemy scouts
or bombers.

Anyhow, those players are the reason why I give flak to the people that don't try. Back to
go raging at being in a constant night battle...

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 28. 2011 04:17

"Two weeks ago I saw a thread in here where some well known BB players were all
saying that they have their own AA. All friendly fighters do is get in the way. Friendly
fighters should be over the enemy, and if the BBs have to TK friendly fighters to kill
enemy fighters (after all they are always "endlessly circling") that that was fine."

It is fine. When i play my AA ship (moltke) i don't even hesitate as I know I can take
down the enemy fighters in a blink of an eye compared to the friendly fighters.

I try not to complain on CVs to much because I do know and occasionally i have to
remind myself that its not only the CVs fault. And many times I've seen CVs fight
valiantly to the very end.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 28. 2011 04:08

>> bb's tend to have a better awareness of the current situation as they're useally
>>engaged in it

BB's generally have a better awareness of their *immediate* situation, not of the
current situation ongoing in the battle.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 28. 2011 00:10

"@ ljsevern - I've seen you post in here many times. People like you that are
constantly cutting people down are really whats contributing to making the game
miserable. YOU are a perfect example. You come here, into another thread to stir up
trouble off topic. It has NOTHING to do with having a thick skin. People come into this
game for enjoyment. I don't get enjoyment from heckling, and I hardly doubt that
many other people do, or they would all be driving their CVs, now wouldn't they?

Perhaps, the post should have read "Ban ljsevern, in all his forms..."


Get some skill, and post on your main account. If you don't like being told you are a
substandard player either;

Grow up and ignore it

Press F3 and filter out all messages

Get some skill.

It isn't hard to play CV in GB's. If you are in a CV4 or above and failing to keep your
flank scouted, you fail. It is people like me that are keeping this game alive.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 27. 2011 22:55

the thick skin comment wasent really off topic it was a comment...not a new
topic...but agreed as long as shared xp is around ppl will suck bb's and cv's alike
bb's wont always be amazing or able to kill them but beleive it or not most bb's have
scouts but when they're fighter camped it dosent matter and as for aa on bb's most
bb's run reps on T slots so they can be better at killing bb's so aa on a bb isint
always going to happen plus its very distracting to shoot planes while engaged in
battle or about to be

aswell any tier fighter can shoot down a scout or bomber no one is asking you to
send them into enemy fighters IE if they are south you fly north around them not
into them especially when bombing nor should you fly at defualt hieght(at all times)
aswell if they're fighters are over your bb's it means they dont have fighters over
them which means u can bomb them =D when they extend they're fighters they
leave them selfs open which should be taken advantage of if u cant compete with
the fighters...or cordinate with a CV on ur team to ensure your bombers do make it
but as somone said "hardly anyone pays attention and teamwork is rare but its
great when it happens"

i think cv's forget that they are a SUPPORT SHIP meaning u adapt to what your team
needs... if your team is blind Sight takes priority if ur getting bombed fighter cover
takes priority if your team cant break south or north bombing takes priority... you
need to learn how to adapt to what your team needs and stop blaming it on 1
specific group bb's cant always fail.. cv's cant always fail useally a combination of the
2 its a matter of adapting to the battle as it happens(battle awareness) but sure there was a frigate on the team aswell lets blame him frigate ....3"
guns thats fail and useless he should be i along the right lines blaming
somone else instead of admitting that ppl dont pay attention to the battle as it

yes cv's will be under fire most offten then not becuase they are a support ship and
are there to support they're team not them selfs but hey when i can sit there do
nothing and still make 40k creds and 20k xp why try? and as for the "i dont thnk ppl
want to suck" comment no they dont but not listening/taking advice or trying to
imrpove they're game play is not any differant also.. bb's tend to have a better
awareness of the current situation as they're useally engaged in it so 9/10 when
they ask for support they do useally need it(in which case it rarely arrives they die
line fails team loses) as for blinding an enemy thats more or less not a cv's job as its
rather hard to do and useally requires 2 cv's cordinating but when there is a bb6(vs
say 2 bb4) it should take priority to keep him scouted.. and his scout down but is not
required(it just helps alot)

so end resualt in many ways it does fall on the cv aswell as the bb's to keep the cv's
safe it falls on the bb's to but the bb's cant do they're job if they cant get
support..and somtimes the bb's will just fail but you'll have games like that(untill sh
ared xp dies) and to base everygame off those games is just noob for a lack of a
better word

on a random note does it become a cv's job to protect a flag from getting bombed to
avoid a counter attack or is that not they're job to? seen that one multiple
times....ememy flag dies flag is a cv1 or 2.. 3 other cv's... on the team....flag gets do you blame the bb's on that one????

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 27. 2011 19:50

@ ljsevern - I've seen you post in here many times. People like you that are constantly
cutting people down are really whats contributing to making the game miserable. YOU are a
perfect example. You come here, into another thread to stir up trouble off topic. It has
NOTHING to do with having a thick skin. People come into this game for enjoyment. I don't
get enjoyment from heckling, and I hardly doubt that many other people do, or they would
all be driving their CVs, now wouldn't they?

Perhaps, the post should have read "Ban ljsevern, in all his forms..."

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 27. 2011 14:44

"As long as shared exp still exists, I will tell my team-mates if they suck."

QFT (and no, that does not mean Quit Fing Talking LOL, who here remembers that?)

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 27. 2011 13:48

"I wish that NF would make "noob" and all its its forms, blocked out so people can't yell
it anymore. In fact, I think I'll go suggest it right now."

Lol carebear.

How about you get some thick skin and ignore it. As long as shared exp still exists, I will
tell my team-mates if they suck

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 27. 2011 07:12


If you have to load 8 planes on to one pilot, maybe you should get more pilots... Because
you are wasting everyone time spending more than 2 minutes loading one group of planes.
Nevermind trying to bomb an AA CL with default height planes...

And I wonder why I can only play a few games at a time...

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 23. 2011 14:59

Thats a nicely worded post. We should all play nice. However, I direct you to what I said
on page 1. You don't see CV players pointing at BB players and heckling them in game. The
issue is that some players on one side of the fence aren't playing very nice at all. There
is only one issue here: No one has the right to badger others. The only reason CV players
aren't using them is because they don't like the abuse. When there are guys driving CV6s
getting called "nub" its not just stupid, its a lack of respect for other players.

I wish that NF would make "noob" and all its its forms, blocked out so people can't yell
it anymore. In fact, I think I'll go suggest it right now.

  • Re : As a general rule

    03. 23. 2011 14:34

Few thing's I'd like to just share as I try to keep myself awake.

First of all the relationship between BB and CV is a tough one, BB's are the only thing
keeping enemy BB's from shelling everything in the team and CV's are the only thing
keeping enemy CV's from blinding/tbing/dbing everyone in the team. (Lets leave the other
ships out of this.) Granted BB and CVs can play minor roles as attacking or aaing but it
usually ends up as a failure as balancing both aaing/shooting is hard. We all know and i
good fact that a blind bb has a high chance of failure, so does a CV that launches all
planes in one pilot. Point is and I've seen this in a lot of battles, CV's who think they
dont need BB's and BB's who think they dont need CV's is a FAIL. That mentality is a FAIL.
CV's and BB's essentially can't survive in the game without each other (specifically for GBII)

Few points all BB and CV's should consider and understand:
-BB's don't feed your scouts to AA, manage your scouts and dont just leave them in the
highest altitude same goes with CV's and their fighters don't make it easy for the enemy
to blind you. (this is then where all the blaming starts in bb vs. cv.) Dont let it happen.
-CV's don't just sit like a target (few exceptions) and don't do anything or load all
planes in one pilot (your not helping the team and you win)
-BB's don't just rush out blind or not just to be killed, this is where BB to BB team work
comes in.

We don't need any radical changes or fights/trolling/flaming between CV vs BB.
Individually we should all just be playing to win as a TEAM. If south goes blind maybe it
need fighters, well then send fighters or send scout another way. If a enemy BB is almost
dead maybe db/tb that so that its one BB less. If theres a ship near a team CV maybe kill
it. And it goes on.

All ships fill a niche, even if its hard, it is still possible.

Yes but I do agree we need good players to lead all these new people to play.
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