HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • BB4 RM

    03. 21. 2012 12:05


Italian bb4 is too small, please check this bb if not please give me a frigate to the damage and scope of a mountain so I like to play. That size is inappropriate for the game and desvalancea all.


  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 14. 2012 21:23


Like I said many times before. Give us a crappy BB5 and we will use the insane different then SN shell dmg. Only difference is we have lazers. Scattered lazers that when I get lucky I'm able to get 35+% accuracy in w/ 200-300k dmg dealt.


Vittorio I get about 29% accuracy with 150-220k dmg dealt. Get more exp in my Ciao 37 so thats what i'll use :P

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 15. 2012 13:14


range: to far
speed: to high
turning force: to fast
reload: should be OK if the range was not so far
size: to small

There is nothing wrong about these ships, if they had not that amazing range.

There is nothing wrong about these ships, if they where alittle bigger and not a way to fast turning force.

The battle is real fun, you never know who is gonna win.
But when there is a RM BB4, you know it's ending soon.
I don't even make a chance in a lion2 filled with, premium boosted  vets and experts at lvl 120.

I and many others payed a lot to make a outstanding crew, and fight untill your flesh fall of my bones.

Just look at the GB, average 8 min till the war is over.

I didn't pay for this type of game, i payed for the game as it was before RM BB4 come.

Look at the fleet battle's, most of them are played without RM BB4.

This is a singup sheet from my fleet:

20 Ships max per team

-12 capital ships max per team, BB4/CV4 max
-4 CVs per team max (no PCV)
-2 SS max per team up to SS3 ( SS3 counts as capital ship!)
-2 TWs max per team
-3 PCAs max per team

Mines OK
Locals OK
NO T4 fighters
NO T5 scouts
NO HH against surface ships (except surfaced SS)
NO border humping planes
NO hybrids (Oyodo, Mogami/Ise remodels)
NO smoke

NO Italian BBs

Everything else allowed.

Map: No Way Out 1

* Best 2 out of 3 matches wins

If Capital ship crashes/desyncs within the first minute of match = re-do match

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 15. 2012 23:18


Originally Posted by GrieferLord

The it italian BB4 SHALL be nerfed, that point is not debatable, also if you mean the russian sevas it too will have a minor nerf but only from shell damage, it's value is a bit too high atm.

Also the italian bb's will now be angle 30 guns no longer 25, once we are able to finalise a few things we shall apply it to the live server, that is after we have tested it and gotten everything in order. 

IF you wish to aid in discussion or testing go view the test server forum section.  Extra help is always welcomed so long as you show up to help.

Here in lies the problem. When you know something is stupidly broken to the point of severe imbalance you dont just say we are working on it and will fix it someday.

You cut the broken content until its fixed. A simple change to the code and boom BB4 is unavailable until its fixed. Its not going to impact anyone except troll players Mods included who are 120 and using it because its better than any bb6 could ever dream of being.

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 16. 2012 18:09


Originally Posted by vasuba

Originally Posted by GrieferLord

The it italian BB4 SHALL be nerfed, that point is not debatable, also if you mean the russian sevas it too will have a minor nerf but only from shell damage, it's value is a bit too high atm.

Also the italian bb's will now be angle 30 guns no longer 25, once we are able to finalise a few things we shall apply it to the live server, that is after we have tested it and gotten everything in order. 

IF you wish to aid in discussion or testing go view the test server forum section.  Extra help is always welcomed so long as you show up to help.


As much as that would be the best solution, this is NF run by SDE they will NOT stop using a "exploitable cash cow" for themselves period.  So we have to wait on their own time schedual and sometimes i wonder if the devs are purposly breaking the test server to prevent italy from being balanced.

Here in lies the problem. When you know something is stupidly broken to the point of severe imbalance you dont just say we are working on it and will fix it someday.

You cut the broken content until its fixed. A simple change to the code and boom BB4 is unavailable until its fixed. Its not going to impact anyone except troll players Mods included who are 120 and using it because its better than any bb6 could ever dream of being.

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 18. 2012 01:08


came back to the game lately, and I gotta say its the first time I safely say a ship is crazy OP, worse than the IM ever was.


If someone came over and suggested to you that H39 should have lower angle, more damage, less reload and be shrunk in size, you'd get the RM BB4.


In NF, pretty much, you can have low hang time, high range or high damage. You can take any two, and get something decent that isn't OP. You can also mix and match them with two medium one high, etc. Then you can work on the ship themselves so they fit in what they need to do to correctly use those guns, but still not be TOO good at that job.

What happened with that thing, is its a ship that is built for rushing, but with the best line fighting guns out there for a BB4.


So imo, they can either make it a iowa-ranged BB with medium damage at current side and speed (a balanced, well rounded BB4, but that fetch different attributes) or they can nerf the range hard to Richie and L1 level, keep the damage, nerf either the turn rate/speed or increase the hitbox.


I personnaly never understood why they didn't keep the AD recipe. A medium to high ranged BB with medium speed, high turn rate, small to medium hitbox and low damage.



When you put a BB in a balance, you need to consider the other BB4s and their strenght and weaknesses, so that every single one can play to its strenght and win if he does it well.


Right now, even if you pull an awesome rush with a richelieu, you'll most likely get twoshotted by any decent player using those BB4s, and barely land a salvo even with the good spread it normally has since all the RM player have to do is profile manipulate. I won't even go to yammy, H39 and L1 spread when you get them.



Also, regardless of what is chosen as a way to balance the RM BB4, being able to AW at that hitbox need to go.


  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 18. 2012 11:42


guys, do u remember a small mn bb? its lorraine

lots of players were crying to nerf this thing after it was released

this bb has less  fire power than rm bb4 (4 full shots to kill monty, rm bb4 does not need 2 full shots) , much shorter range , lower speed (39knt at max) and shell landed speed lose to the op rm bb4

But how many people were crying to nerf lorraine? some even here calling not necessary to a nerf to rm bb4 was one of those guys.

this is so funny that we need to nerf lorraine but we dont need to nerf a bb which is much more powerful than lorraine.

its fo funny :D

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 20. 2012 23:02


Don't get your hopes up for a nerf on the BB4. Untill all TNF members have driven all the fun out of it and they got the BB6, you'll just have to wait.

Sad to see TNF guys running around and drive an OP ship even though they leveled long time ago.


And why even bother with a test server when things like this comes up time after time.

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 21. 2012 00:06


Originally Posted by DKpimp

Don't get your hopes up for a nerf on the BB4. Untill all TNF members have driven all the fun out of it and they got the BB6, you'll just have to wait.

Sad to see TNF guys running around and drive an OP ship even though they leveled long time ago.


And why even bother with a test server when things like this comes up time after time.

I have seen one of the TNF RM BB4 only (lvl 120 of course) switch to RM BB5. Maybe we are getting somewhere?

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 21. 2012 13:03



its rather hard to not play the bb4, i seem to get more xp in it, even with same attack.


on average i get 4-5 times the attack and 3-4 times the xp driving the bb4 instead of the bb5.


Is there not even the usual xp penalty for using a low lvl ship?


Hopefully it gets nerfed quickly

  • Re : BB4 RM

    06. 21. 2012 15:41


This is bullshit.


I just finished a few battles against RM BB4. They require MINIMUM skill with their low angles, they are MEGA fast and so small that my IOWA looks like a monster ship  compared to them.


I KNOW : learn to shoot.


WHAT I DON'T KNOW  is why people DONT HAVE TO LEARN , instead using one overpowered ship that runied the fun for me.

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